
What Country were the Neanderthals from?

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What Country were the Neanderthals from?




  1. Were there countries then...scholars of culteral antropology have long discussed where the Neanderthal originated from.

  2. They were first found in the Neander Valley of present day Germany

  3. The North of England. Their descendants drink beer and fight over soccer affiliations and games.

  4. I don't think there were countries back then.

    Neanderthals come from all countries.

  5. Netherlands.

  6. Neanderthal skeletal remains have been found as far west as Spain & Portugal, north to England, east to the countries surrounding the Black Sea region, including Iran, and south to modern-day Israel...

    They most likely migrated North from Africa, 200-400,000 years ago, when Africa was connected to the Iberian peninsula, and/or when Tunisia was connected to Sicily, during a warm period, and before ocean levels began to rise...

  7. It's not where they're from that you should be concerning yourself.....It is where are they infiltrating????...I am suspecting all over the world and the further inland they go in any given country, the more abnoxious they become.  We all need to be vigilant as they look to the higher apes with which to interbreed.


  9. Homo Neanderthalis was first discovered in the Neander Valley, hence their name. But remains have been found all over Europe, the Middle East, and Asia.

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