
What DC character would you like to see in a movie?

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Why can't DC seem to kick-start any of it's non-Batman characters?

Who are some interesting DC heroes? Do people get into the Flash, Green Lantern or Wonder Woman stories? Why didn't the last Superman movie work?




  1. Green Lantern could be cool. Wonder Woman, not so much.

  2. Well, my number one DC hero I want to see in his own movie is the Green Lantern, and I hear that one is in the works, and even has a script ready. Other than that, I'd love to see the Flash.

    To be honest, the reason DC doesn't have as many movies as Marvel, is just that they don't have as many heroes that have enough draw to star in their own movie, I honestly can't think one that would work outside of Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and the Flash, with remote exceptions for Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow, and possibly Aquaman.

    As for the last Superman movie, I thought it did work, but the reason a lot of people didn't like it is because there was not a lot of action. Hopefully the next one we can see someone like Doomsday, Brainiac, Darkseid, or even General Zod again, and let Supes actually fight.

  3. Doctor Fate !


  4. I know that scripts have been written for a Flash movie and for a Green Arrow movie, and the basic premise of the Green Arrow movie lends itself to film quite well, but it is hard to say if either film will ever be made.

    Unlike Marvel, DC does not produce movies starring their characters and licenses them out to anyone who is willing to pay a licensing fee, so it isn't DC who can't seem to kick-start any of its own characters because they aren't attempting to do anything with them. Marvel developed Marvel Studios as a move of desperation, because that corporation had gone public, made some horrible financial decisions and was on the verge of bankruptcy; Marvel Studios represented a tremendous risk because they used the full rights to the characters the corporation still owns as collateral, and if either the "Iron Man" or "The Incredible Hulk" movies had been duds, Marvel would have gone belly up and someone else would have wound up with the rights to the Marvel characters (some Marvel characters are still licensed to other studios).

    The forthcoming "Watchmen" movie will likely remind producers that DC has published character other than Superman and Batman, but the emphasis will also fall on Alan Moore, the author who wrote the mini-series from which the film is being developed and who undoubtedly had the wisdom to hang onto the film rights so the film may not wind up launching other movies based on characters which DC has published.

    DC is owned by Time Warner, and that staid corporation may only be interested in licensing DC characters to producers of cartoons and movies, while also licensing DC merchandising. Time Warner will undoubtedly make a fortune on Batman and Joker merrchandise in the wake of the success of "The Dark Knight," so there is no real reason to think that they will change anything about the way DC is being run.

    To address the other part of your question, the one DC character who I would like to see in a film adaption is one who is not likely to be used in a movie. I'm a long time fan of Aquaman.

  5. NONE!!!  

  6. They should have made Batman: A Death In The Family into a movie that would have been kick ***

  7. martian manhunter

  8. Green Lantern would be a kick *** movie.

  9. I'd like to see Flash, Green Lantern or Green Arrow and Canary get a shot at the big screen... There are so many to choose from!!

  10. I wanna see a Justice League movie. That would rock my world seeing multiple superheroes kick ***. It would be like the X-men of super heroes!

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