
What DID doctors think casused the black death

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what did they think the causes of the black death was?? and some cures thanks




  1. I believe it was fleas on rats. they burned hay in barns that were infested.

  2. In the 1300s, priests were about the only people who could read, so villagers believed whatever their priests told them.  The priests pretty much blamed everything on the people's sins.  If the English were invading, it was because the people had sinned.  If there was an early frost - the people had sinned.  If there was a smell coming from a swamp - people were sinning again.

    The plague?  Big time sinning!  And bad air.

  3. Right well the whole rats thing in general is wrong the Black Death was a hemorrhagic fever and was airborne it was not Bubonic Plague. The majority of people at the time thought it was the wrath God.

  4. They thought that rats caused it but rats only spread it,  as for a cure i think it was something to do with heat. (the real cause of it was flea's)

    Only 14 so i don't know much.

  5. Casused?  Now there's an interesting typo!  

    They dismissed it as black magic.

  6. The average medieval person was sure that it was caused by the wrath of God.

    It has been for years assumed that the cause was bubonic plague, spread by fleas from rats.  There were no antibiotics in the fourteenth century, so the victims either died or, in a relatively few cases, survived.  

    The doctors were as stymied by this as anyone, so they were quite as helpless--and susceptible--as the most ignorant of their fellow citizens.

    Interestingly, medical historians are revisiting the causes of the plague, and have suggested that it might not have been bubonic plague at all, but rather some form of hemorrhagic fever, such as Ebola.

  7. Bad air, if you are talking about the "Doctors" at the time of the Black Death.  This led to a variety of treatments such as smokey fires to drive the bad air away; shutting people up in their houses so bad air could not get out. No one at the time even considered that fleas upon rats were the cause. It was sent by God (the Gods), and that was it! If you survived you were lucky.

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