
What DO YOU think is the right AGE for a woman to get PREGNANT?

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What DO YOU THINK? Is the right/ appropriate age for a woman to get pregnant these days and raise a child with the father.




  1. NO earlier than 28 years of age.

    I will get a thumbs down for this, but I'm 30 years old and I KNOW what both sides look like.  I have wisdom and experience on my side, which a 21 year old mom does not.

  2. when their married

  3. I see alot of women of all ages wanting to have babies...... personally speaking I believe its when you feel the time is right for a baby and not when someone else tells you.. Regardless if your married, in a relationship or just plain single and feel that you want a baby... its your right and your business and others should not stick their noses in where their comments are not wanted.

    If you feel you are ready to TTC then go ahead... And you don't need to be married to have a child with someone you love...... I can't stand it when complete strangers give you dirty looks and make snide remarks because they don't see a ring on your finger, or you look too young...........

    I'm 30 and my husand and  I are just expecting our 2nd child........ Goodluck on whatever you decide

  4. I have had children when I was 26 - 36.  I almost have 4.  This pregnancy I am feeling my age, so I wouldn't suggest to wait.  I am glad I have them all though and wouldn't trade if for the world.  I believe the commitment of marriage is essential.

  5. i think 22 and married if everything works out right. i think maybe only 25% of people who are parents in the world are actually mentally prepared for it though.

  6. i think you should be out of teen years and settled down

    before you do any thing

    25+ i would say

  7. Well i'm 21 and my husband is 23 and our beautiful daughter will be 2 in Sept and i think that we are the perfect age i fill that were more responsible we get alone perfect better than most family's that are b/w 30-40 we own 2 homes 2 cars everything in our life is perfect but anyways i think over the age of 18.

  8. Anywhere from 23 and over...but honestly if you and your partner have a proper job and home and you feel that you are able to care for your child than thats when. These days you see kids as young as 13 getting pregnant and I always think that there still kids and their having one of their just doesnt make sense to me but the world is changing day by day.

  9. I think that they should wait until they have the ability to get a good career- whether that means adequate experience in a certain field, a college education, whatever.

    too many girls my age (20) are housewives with no way to get a good job once their baby is grown, and one of them has already been abandoned by the daddy and is now struggling to find good work while caring for her baby. It's stupid how these girls dont even CONSIDER that things wont work out the way they want them...

    I mean people do get lucky, but they should always be prepared for the worst, because it DOES happen - ALL TOO OFTEN!

  10. when they are married and in love around 24 is what i have always pictured bt i guess its really when ever ur ready

  11. Maturity comes to different people at different ages.  Both parents should be finished with school, earn enough money to provide for the baby without taking welfare or running to mom and dad for money, and be mature enough to provide the baby with a loving home and making the baby their priority in life.

  12. When they are financially stable and mentallly/emotionally stable!

  13. When they are mature enough to.  Have many life experiences behind them. Too many babies having babies...I have two small girls now and I hope they are smart enough to wait until they are married...

  14. Even though having a baby is something you can plan, i think that (if you are married or in a stable and reliable relationship) things will happen when they are supposed to. However if you are just egar to have a child I think that any age (over the age of 21) is an approriate age! You just have to remember that children are a very big responcibility and can be time and money consuming! Before you make ANY permenant decision like this, you  should look at your life and maturaty level. Are you really ready for a child?

    Well whatever choice you may choose, I wish the best of luck for you!

  15. Whenever they are married.  18 or older I would say....

  16. 17, really, me and the father are better parents than many other older parents. older parents can be horrible to their kids because they dont understand them.

  17. getting preg. is something that one will always have problems planning. is there ever really a right time? i personally believe that once you have a degree and in a stable positon w/in your career and home, then go ahead and start trying. always be sure its with the right person.

  18. i think the right age is at least 25

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