
What DSLR Brand should I buy?

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I want to buy a DSLR camera, what should i choose between SONY A350 or A700? Can anybody give me some advice regarding this matter. thanks




  1. Let's put it this way. There's nothing you can't do with the 350 that the 700 can do. One advantage of 350 is the LIVE VIEW - focusing using the outside LCD. You can spend the extra money you'll save for a better lens or at least an accidental insurance. Not really a fan of Sony, but logic and practicality dictates to get the A350.

  2. You're asking what brand, and yet the choices you have are Sony A350 and Sony A700..

  3. Sony makes an incredible camera, which ever one you buy, and you will have a long list of very good lenses to work with that were made for older Minolta film cameras.  

    Buy the one that your pocket book dictates

  4. I would take a good look at Canon and Nikon also if I were you, primarily because you will have a much wider lens selection with those brands.

    Specifically answering your question, however, I would take a look at the following discussion:  

  5. Forget the people who say canon or nikon, they know not what they speak!!!

    First, the A 700 is the greatest DSLR on the market today.  Hands down.  10+ MP and ANTI SHAKE!!!  Anti-shake is the most important thing you can have.  You can hand hold up to 3 stops longer.  No flash for most indoor photography (natural light ROCKS!).  And this is oonly available to Canon and Nikon through their lenses and you have to buy the ultra expensive lenses to get it.  You are getting it on the cheapest lens you can but on Ebay.  With the crop factor, your 50 1.7 that you bought for 40 bucks on ebay becomes a 75 .7 portrait lens.  AWESOME.

    The A 350 is no slouch either.  It has more MP, but the sensor isnt as sharp.  But live view and tilt screens are a nice touch.

    Overall, if you have the coin, you will not miss the 2 mps and should go for the 700.  If you want to save some cash, you will not go wrong with the 350!!!

  6. It depends upon what your needs as a photographer are.

    Here are what the look like side by side.

    You can compare them and see which has the features you need and want.

    That said, ff you have any feeling at all you may want to make a career in photography, you may want to take a close look at Nikon and Canon camera's ... at present Sony does not have a professional level camera and has a much smaller stable of lenses.

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