
What Did Barack Obama Gain From Selecting Joe Biden? John McCain From Selecting Sarah Palin ?

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Looks For Obama Nothing... For John McCain much, much support from the Evangelicals ...

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  1. Obama got Biden's experience McCain is looking for the female vote everybody looks for an edge

  2. The same number of Electoral Votes

  3. The Republicans gave us the first black Secretary of State

    The Republicans gave us the first black WOMAN Secretary of State

    The Republicans gave us the first female Supreme Court Justice

    The Republicans gave us an administration under Bush with the most women and minorities of any previous administration

    AND NOW: The Republican's will give us the first woman Vice President

    Who does Obama pick?

    The "old wrinkled whiteguy 40 year Washington insider"


  4. You got it.

    Obama got a white male Washington insider of 25 years as his running mate.

    McCain got a female  with a governor's executive experience who is not a Washington insider.

  5. Seems pretty obvious to me.

    Biden: experience and toughness

    Palin: shock value/women vote

  6. A good man by his side who speaks the truth, has much experience in foreign and domestic matters, a fighter, a very strong and righteous man who is loved and respected by not only his peers but millions of people of all races throughout America...

  7. Money, They are both big supporters of Iran, both have received lots of money from pro Iranian groups that want the USA to lift sanctions on Iran McCain found the most honest 2 fisted politician in this country that is for reform and she proved it since she became gov of Alaska

  8. Obama gained a perky matured International Thinker, with lots of political cut throat Zingers with a smile.

    McCain gained a perky not so knowledgeable International Thinker that can chauffeur kids to hockey games. And do a great pageant wave with a smile and possibly is a great on the job learner.

  9. Well, it's a good question. From my perspective Obama acknowledged his lack of experience by selecting Biden who contradicts his message of change. On the other hand, Obama needed someone who was comfortable attacking McCain, which he certainly has in Biden.

    As for McCain, Palin brings youth, vitality and idealism which has revitalized his campaign. She is a true reformer who is unafraid to hammer even those in her own party. But admitted, she like Obama lacks a long track record of experience. The main difference here is she is the VP pick while Obama is a presidential candidate.

    Regardless of what happens with the election, America will make history with either the first Hafrican American President or the first woman Vice President. Very exciting all around.  

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