
What Did Brad Keselowski Do To Make Hamlin Mad?

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All I saw was the 88 racing hard and then the 20 give him a hit. Everyone seems to think it was Brad's fault. I think Denny was just mad that he would have, should have, could have gotten beaten by a Nationwide Regular.




  1. There's a new rule:  JGR drivers may hit anyone, anytime, anywhere.  Other drivers, however, may not hit JGR drivers, not even accidentally.

    The penalty is having to listen to JGR drivers whimper and whine.  lol j/k

    Yay, thumbs down for making a joke.  Sweet!

  2. Nothing different than they do to each other all day at Talladega and that's give him a little shot in the rear to let him know he was there; Although you won't get that answer from most of the infants answering here they actually think that hurt the car.

    The question should be, Who elected Denny Hamlin the ruler of the world and to tell the nationwide series drivers how they should run their own division? Give me a break!!! Stay in the Sprint series, if you want to race the way you've become accustom to racing with the best drivers each week!!! Keselowski don't come to the Sprint and tell him how to drive there!!!

    Denny!! Look up the word HYPOCRISY, and have you a big bowl of it for breakfast!!!

    It's called he couldn't handle fixing to be schooled by a rookie who could have actually had a chance to win because he couldn't!!!!!!!!!


  4. One thing I've noticed about Denny is that he does not like to be raced hard.  When other drivers don't give him the spot, he tends to throw little tantrums.  Drivers shouldn't give anything away.  I can understand this mentality at the beginning of a 500 mile race, a fast car in the back should not have to race hard for positions.  However for some reason Denny thinks that this rule applies at the end of the race when a top 10 position is at steak.  Give me a break.  I wouldn't even watch NASCAR if drivers didn't race hard for the top 10.  The only thing I witnessed on Saturday night was Denny acting like a little baby.

  5. he was mad because he passed him and wouldn't let him pass

  6. Lynn you took the words out of my mouth.. I agree with ya 100%.. You got a thumbs up from me.

    Go Dale Jr & Hms

  7. Well I think there were a couple things. After the race Denny said he would have Brad passed all but about 2 inches and instead on letting Denny go Brad kept leaning in his quarter panel. Also on one caution Brad hit Denny's car from behind, so Denny retaliated by hitting Brads car back. If you ask me Brad started the whole thing.

    "You want to throw a rock, I'll throw a concrete block back"-Denny Hamlin's awesome quote from after the race!

  8. It might have been him slamming into the back of Denny under caution.

  9. First of all, Denny did it because Brad hit him during the beginning of the caution. Second of all, why is everybody making such a big deal about this? I don't think that there would be this much press about this if this wasn't JR's teammate or had anything to do with JR. Tell the truth: Would you be talking about this if Denny hit David Reutimann or Steven Wallace?

  10. It IS Brad's fault.

    It's called a caution lap for reason; it is not the time to go up behind someone and give them a bump on their rear bumper. Save it for the green flag laps if you must.

    My question is, what the h**l was Brad doing along side Hamlin in the first place? I mean, did he honestly think Denny would not retaliate after that? Had Keselowski stayed behind him, Denny wouldn't have been able to touch him.

    I think Keselowski brought this incident onto himself. He should think about the consquences before bumping someone and pulling up next to them.

    Oh, and I loved how Junior comments that Brad hit Denny from behind and then quickly switches over to complaining about how Denny nearly tore Brad's front bumper off, without really saying anything about Brad's boneheaded move and pretty much blames it all on Denny. Yeah, real nice Junior.

  11. Brad was antagonizing Danny, Jr. saw what happened, and decided he need to get involved.  Jr. took Brad's side, it's okay for Brad to do what he did but not for Danny to do what he did, I feel what Danny said about the crews getting involved was wrong.  It should of been between Danny and Brad to resolve the issue.

  12. Brad bumps into Denny on a caution lap and Denny retaliated.

  13. Lynn, you've got it right!

    Don't mess with the JGR drivers, problem solved!!


    I thought it was funny, personally..

  14. hit him from behind under caution, "lifting his wheels."  

    then he moved along denny's side, making himself an easy target...

  15. I don't think Hamlin was as mad, as he was "afraid of the competition" The #88 in the Nationwide race was looking pretty hot! I liked it. You know Denny had his feelings hurt. Too bad feelings don't win races.

  16. keselowski hit denny's back end on the caution and lifted up the wheels on the #20 car.

    that's why denny swerved and hit him. brad kinda deserved it.

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