
What Did Einstein Mean When He Said Past, Present & Future are all Occuring at the Same Time?

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Can anyone please try explaining this to me, I am not a physicist, actually a biologist.

Thanks in advance, I would appreciate any useful answers...




  1. Dont relly know. Im guessing that he looks at time as a point rather than a line. Whereas one could look left or right on a line and modify it, one could not a point meaning that it is impossible to change events that have happened. Also probably for the same reason that we must accept our fate.

    On this subject tho. Technology is getting better. Who knows in maybe 100 yrs a camera may have been invented capable of looking at planets in other solar systems from our own. Because these planets would be billions of light years away we would see images that happened billions of years ago. Now imagine that through the use of a wormhole we were able to position that camera lets say 10 light yrs away from earth and view the earth. We would be viewing 10 yrs into our past.

    Remember if I travelled back 100 yrs and told people of computers and rockets to the moon etc, I would have been commited.

  2. Time space continuum....goes something like takes the light from the sun 8 Min's to travel to when we see the sun we are actually seeing it as it existed 8 minutes ago....and the state the sun is in at that exact moment is what we will perceive in 8 Min's....however it takes the light longer to travel to Jupiter so what we see now will not exist in Jupiter for another few Min's to an hour.

    Past present future existing simultaneously......if someone on a planet 65million light years from earth looked into a telescope at earth they would see dinosaurs.....does this help?

  3. maybe he meant that there is some sort of time vortex and if you go to different stages of the vortex it takes you to differnt moments in time. Therefor outside the vortx you can see all of time, the past the present and the future.

    Also outside our universe there is no time or reality. Our universe is in a kinda bubble that expands to keep us in.

  4. He was stating that the only time that exists. is now. Now is the instant that exists after the previous event, the past and before the next event, the future.

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