
What Did You Think Of The NEW 90210?

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I'm just wonderin what everyone that watched the 1st two episodes of the "new" 90210 thought about it??

I actually thought it was kinda good..





  1. I liked it! I was real surprised to see Nat and Kelly's mom! I had no idea that Kelly's little sister Erin (on the original) was going to play a teen on the new show. I am however a little confused on who's the father of Kelly's son. Do you know???

  2. same, i agree with you.

    it was ok-ish.

    but hey, its 90210..gotta watch it :D

  3. I didn't find it all that great actually...I was more excited to see Brenda and Kelly and Nat.

  4. I turned it off after 5 minutes and watched the amazing House finale repeat.

  5. i thought it was really corny and the acting was horrible.

  6. I missed it!!!!  Can I get a tried and true original fan of 90210 to give it to me straight?

    Kiddies, watch the original here:

    So good.

  7. i didn't watch it

  8. I thought it was good also. It brought back alot of memories for me, having been a faithful fan of the originial. I thought it was tastefully done and I love that "Kelly" is the school counselor. As she explained, it really fits well since she was going to school to become a Psychologist way back when.

    There was alot of stuff thrown at us the viewers last night and having just watched it this morning (I just love my new Tivo!) I'm still digesting it all.

    I like how Annie and Dixon have shades of Brandon and Brenda in them, but yet they're not supposed to be exactly like them. I think its going to be an interesting developing storyline with Dixon being adopted and finding out that Harry has a grown son from a high school fling.

    Naomi is either going to get on my nerves very quickly or I'll love her totally. I haven't yet decided on her. Silver is actually the one that I see shades of Kelly Taylor in, even though Kelly is already there. I loved the scenes with Brenda and Kelly together and while Shannen Doughtry was a royal pain in the butt on the original show, I hope she's matured enough to stick around awhile. That could be some interesting drama.

    I want to know if Dylan is Sammy's father?

    And for me, its weird seeing "Kyle" from Melrose Place play a father. I keep expecting "Jane" and "Taylor" to pop in and give him h**l.

    Oh yeah and I forgot Nat. I wonder if he is still married to Joan and if their child will also end up at WBH?

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