
What Digital Camera is right for me? I have an idea on what I'd like?

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I'm looking for a digital camera. Right now I'm leaning toward the Nikon P80. I have heard stuff that isn't so good about it though. Things about the ISO (I have no idea what that is since I don't speak photographer) :) and how it takes good or bad pictures. I'm a teenager and I will be using this camera for a number of different things, such as portraits, wildlife, family, soccer games, things like that. I was wondering if this is the right kind of camera for me or if it is a good camera for me. Could you also tell me in a way that a normal person might understand? If this is a bad camera what about the other nikons? Are they also good for what I want to do?





  1. I shoot a Nikon D3 but I would push you more toward the Canon G9.  The main reason is that it shoots RAW.  This will give you the ability (once you have become comfortable) to make large light and color adjustments when you get back to your computer.

  2. The only thing you will have to consider is shutter lag which is a factor when using any P&S camera

  3. Well, here are some 'normal person' reviews. As you will see, it gets a mixed bag of reviews. I think you could do better that this one by carefully researching it...

  4. First, are you going into photographing career. if not, start with Nikon P80 that you are learning with, it will serve you better but if I look at the purposes as mentioned in your question, I suggest you go for training for you to get the quality of pictures you are expecting to snap.

  5. You will definitely get the solution here


  6. I've got an Olympus MjU 1020 which I like lots. I take it with me most places. I have a Digital SLR but dont use it too much as the Olympus' portability is a plus. However as with most point and shoots there are no manual options.

    I was told the Panasonic TZ Range are the ones to go for they are a little chunkier but the Leica lens is considered  quality and they have wide angle plus a decent zoom.

    What you really want is 5x Optical Zoom or more

    Megapixel counts don't matter too much unless you want to print A3 size or bigger.

    A large view screen helps to see what you have photographed

    Anti Shake helps stabilize your photos

    You want 28mm or lower for Wide Angle shots(most are 37mm or more which for me is too close as I like scenic shots and landscapes)

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