
What Do I DO About The First Day Of School??

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i'm gonna be a junior and i'm going to a school that i've never

been to before. I just moved to california from colorado

and i don't know anyone at the school. I want to be in sports but

i don't know who the coaches are and the sport i want to be in starts on the first day of school and i don't even know who the coach is and i don't even have a physical. I'm so scared that i'm going to end up being a loner because i'm shy...

What should i do??

Any advice???




  1. don't worry, First day will be kinda hard because you wont know anyone but the next few days you will meet new people. if you want to join sports you can go to the athletics office and find out who you can talk to if you want to join a sport

  2. beat up the biggest kid in your grade.

  3. im in cali 2.

    what school do you go to?

    anyways on your first day just be friendly and nice.

    join clubs and such that allow you interact with others. when you sit next to someone say hi,start a conversation with them it can be on a bracelet their wearing,to a band tee,or just compliment them on their shoes.

  4. You do what everyone else is doing. Easy as that. And don't let the bullies bother you.

  5. I live in California and go to YVHS, I doubt you go there, but if you do, shoot me a message!

  6. Be yourself and if your going to be in sports you'll make friends from that! =] dont let other ppl bully you around cause girls at that age can get Catty so be carful!! =] and goodluck!!! lol  

  7. First of all----breathe and relax.

    Go, be friendly, and find out about club, activities or sports you are interested in----SIGN UP FOR ALL OF THEM!! Best way to make friends.

    Good luck.

  8. Be yourself. You are not in the boat alone. Many are looking to make friends at the beginning of the school year. You will make them too.

    There are many people you may ask in order to find out the names of the coaches.

    You can ask:

    You homeroom teacher

    Gym teacher

    Guidance counselor

    Ask at the main office./

  9. find someone shy like you and cling to them until your comfortable enough to branch out.

  10. don't worry about anything; the first day of school is always rough for everyone, even the teachers. so just kind of go along with it and then you'll find yourself meeting new people and if you go a little earlier before school starts you could go up to the Office and ask about sports. it's probably not to late to get a physical either a lot of local doctors can you give them for around $40 bucks or so.  

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