
What Do I Do About This?

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I like this girl who is going out with another guy and i'm not sure if i should tell that i love her or not and what is a good way to get a girl to like you?




  1. agree to the person before me. Dont tell her now itll just make it ackward between you too if she doesnt feel the same. I know this is an old saying and everybody says it but its true "if its meant to happen it will" i promise. And on getting a girl to like you is be a good guy to her. Do not treat her like c**p be super supportive and listen to everything even if you are bored out of your mind. That will get a girls attention over looks any day. Show her that you can love her truely and not be after for the booty call or hooking up. NEVER disrespect her especialy in front of ppl. My ex did that infront of his coworkers and i wanted to cry right ther and leave his butt at the resturant. My fiance never does that to me and always wants me around and wants me included. My ex didn't he started ignoring me and haning out with his coworkers. ( i think he was cheating, still dont know if he actually was, but he got with his coworker a week after he broke up with me you do the math :-/) just always make her feel special. Hope this helps :)

  2. just be good friends with her. you will know when the time is right to tell her.  

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