
What Do I Do To Cut Out Bad Foods and Drinks?

by Guest32144  |  earlier

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I am not overweight by any stretch of the imagination - and, by some sources, I am even underweight by a few pounds. But, I do enjoy foods that are "bad" from time to time: Ice cream, chocolate, candy, cookies, etc. My worst vice, though, would be Coca-Cola, which I drink about 3 - 4 times a day.

Does anyone have any suggestions that have worked for them to cut out these bad foods and drinks?




  1. I too love Coca-Cola.  I am not overweight either but just turned 30 and need to start watching what I eat.

    My advice is do not cut out what you love.  It will make you go crazy.  You should buy the smaller sized cans of Coke (They sell them at Walmart).  They are about half the size.  That way, you get the taste but do not end up drinking a whole huge can.  I also have started buying the powdered drink mixes.  Crystal Light makes a good strawberry flavor.  I mix it in with plain seltzer water.  That way you get a good fizzy drink without calories that satisfies your need for soda.

    Eat homemade food.  It is better for you.  Make homemade cookies like oatmeal that have fiber in them.  Freeze half of what you bake.  That way you do not eat all of them in a sitting.

    I make yogurt parfaits with vanilla low-fat yogurt and strawberries and granola (or you can use any healthy topping you want).  I eat these when I crave ice cream.

    Plan ahead.  Buy things at the store to make meals, not just snacks.  Try chicken tacos.  Spinach salads with grilled marinated chicken.  Make homemade soups with chicken, carrots and and celery.  These are all healthy, satisfying things.

    Make smoothies in the mornings instead of eating breakfast.  I make orange juice/mango/yogurt/matcha (green tea powder)/ soy protein smoothies.  They are awesome.

    Hope these give you some ideas!  .....cut out as much soda as you can.  It is really the worst for you! chemicals and pure sugar.

  2. I've cut down my Pepsi habit from 2 a day to one every other day.  I try to phrase what I'm doing positively.  So, instead of waking up and saying "I'm not going to have a soda today" I say "I'm only going to drink water today."  That way the focus is on what you are doing to be healthy, not what you are trying to avoid.  I also make sure to stop several times in the soda-buying process and ask myself if I really want it.  It's surprising how often the answer is I'm just bored or frustrated.  Good luck!  Cutting back is a good goal to have.

  3. You have to have will power for a while and eventually you will stop craving it. I am the same way with chocolate, but I haven't had it in a long time and it doesn't even sound good anymore.  

  4. im curious, why do you find it necessary to cut out ice cream and chocolate of out of your diet if you're healthy and thin?

    Cutting out hot dogs and hamburgers--yeah, a good idea, but chocolate?

    As for the coke, i agree, i stopped drinking sodas completely, instead i'd recomment finding a drink that you like just as much, try some iced teas, they can be delicious, and though they also have lots of sugars, they're not as bad as sodas (and try the Arizona ones, they're good for you).

  5. Stop buying them. Buy water or healthier snacks instead.

  6. Something that really works for me is to plan ahead when I'm going to eat sweets. I pretty much always let myself have something on Saturdays, and often times it helps me avoid them during the week because I know I'll get to have something soon. Sometimes that doesn't work and I just let myself indulge a little on other days, trying to keep smaller portions and definitely only once a day.

    If you're crazy over coke, you could consider diet. 0 calories always makes me happy!

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