
What Do I Do With My Ex-Boyfriend?

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Hello...Me and my ex-boyfriend went out for a year and some months on and off. Throughout that relationship he treated me like **** like tallk down to me and it was always drama with us. Towards the end when we decided to get together the second time since we were on and off he was talking and having s*x with someone else without even letting me know so I left him alone. And let me remind you this ***** was ugly. Anyway after not talking to him for about almost 2 years he been trying to get to me through all my friends and family and he wanted to apologize for all the things he has done to me right now but I feel like if I even hear his voice I would get so mad all over again. So should I even waste my time or just forget him and move on with my life.




  1. plain and simple...F*CK HIM!!!

  2. Hmmm,

    You should move on girl...Any self-respecting woman should move on...If he starts getting frantic or making feel very uncomfortable with his advances, call the police.

  3. Oh forget the scum and move on.  He's not worth it.  Off and on relationships never work out anyway, and it's obvious yours has been over for a long time.  He probably doesn't have anyone right now and wants you as his doormat.  Well, you deserve better.  Tell everyone to tell him to stop calling for and about you or you will get a restraining order out on him.  He's harassing.  Tell your friends and family you don't even want to hear his name mentioned ever.  You'll meet someone who truly loves and respects you.  

  4. hunn if hes not making you happy then just move on hes not worth sure you'll find someone worth your time.  

  5. Don't bother.. People don't change, no matter how much they appologize and tell you they'll never act like that again.  Once you give him a chance, its not going to take long for him to get back to his old ways.. Move on Girl..

  6. Move on. It didn't work then and even if you think things will be different you will never forget what happened in the past. There will always be drama between you.  

  7. Forget him.  Doesn't sound like you two had much worth holding onto.  Why revisit a crummy past relationship?

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