
What Do I Do!!!!!????

by Guest59259  |  earlier

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One of my friends fancies the same person as me she copies everyones 123's(1=fancy them ALOT 2=Fancy them but not as much as 1 and 3=I like them alot but don't wanna go out with them as much as the others) as soon as one of my other mates says she fancies someone this mate who copies quickly says "I fancy him, he's my number 2" and that the guy I fancy is her 1. As soon as the other mate says she doesn't fancy the girl who copies 2 she'll quickly say that she doesn't fancy him anymore. It's driving me CRAZY!! I think the person that I like fancies me back though cos my mate (copying one) text him about 3 weeks ago and he didn't reply and he keeps on asking if we could hang out at the beach one time and trying to get me to go and he replys to ALL of my texts in a matter of 5 mins! I think he likes me but I don't wanna fall out with my mate over him! He's not worth THAT much. Especailly when I no that when me and him split up and I have no friends then I'm gonna be lonely like h**l!

Grrr sooo confusing!

Charlotte x




  1. Ok, next time you like someone, don't tell your friend about it.

    This time, i would ask her why she keeps copying you. It seems like she wants to blend in, or wants to have something in common with you. I would also ask if she is serious about this guy.

    If she is, neither of you should go out with him.

    Good luck

  2. Keep on smiling

  3. I think you ought to be able to have your guy and your friend. If she's any real friend that she would encourage you.

    You might want to try talking to your friend about it. If she still believes what she does then i suggest you find a new friend. You really shouldn't have to loose a friend over a guy. But if you decide to go with the guy that you like then you are always able to make new friends. right?

    If your friend liked him then she should ask him out. You shouldn't feel bad if he likes you but not her in that way.

    Besides going to the beach doesn't mean that your automatically boyfriend and girl friend.

    Hope this helps!

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