
What Do I Need To Take To A Dog Show?

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I'm going to A Dog show on Saturday what do i need to take with me?




  1. Are you showing?

    What breed if so.

    Also where at, I'm actually showing a dog this Saturday too!


    Oh, I'm going to the American Rare Breed Association.  I'm showing a dogue de Bordeaux.

  2. Your dog?

  3. Grooming tools.

    give him a bath and brush and brush and brush.

    You'll need a show leash. (google it and you can order one from the web) Nail Clipper.

    Make sure everything is in breed standard including his cut.

    ADD; are you sure he's purebred? You need papers.  

  4. take a brush and you certificate of pedigree

  5. Are you showing your dog or are you going as a spectator?

    If you're showing your dog-take everything but the kitchen sink.

    If you're a spectator-take a camera!

  6. Yes a dog would be a start maybe a lead and maybe a brush

  7. Show lead

    Grooming equipment

    Bait (special treats)

    Grooming table

    Crate or ex-pen




    exhibitor's pass and judging schedule

    money (for the wonderful stuff at the booths!)

    EDIT: Oh, so not a real show then....

    Most of that stuff still applies.  Instead of a show lead you just need a secure collar and lead.  You won't need the grooming stuff, but do make sure your dog is clean and well-groomed to present a good impression.  Bring some baggies for "pick up".  Remember to be respectful of other attendees, and WATCH YOUR DOG AND KNOW WHAT HE'S DOING AT ALL TIMES.  This applies to any breed.  Also make sure he's under control and well-behaved.  Your breed doesn't need any more negative press.

  8. Sounds like it is an exemption show you are going to.  So you will have no problem entering your dog in different classes that will be held.  Make sure he is looking his very best.  You do not need to take any papers.  

    Make sure you have a nice collar and lead for him.

    Treats you can bribe him with to stand and show himself off.  

    Do not make him sit in the ring.  

    Take a seat to sit on so you can enjoy watching the classes you are not entered in.  

    Take a picnic for yourself, and water for your dog.

    Money to pay for your entries.

    There will also probably be stalls there selling doggie related stuff.  So take some spending money also.

    There will be a number of different classes.

    Maybe a mixed puppy class (dogs up to 1 year old)

    Group classes (Working, gundog, Terrier etc)

    Maybe a veterans class for older dogs.

    Also fun classes, like dog with the waggiest tail/saddest eyes/best trick.  

    Make sure he behaves himself well when you are walking round.  And take bags incase he decides to poo.

    Both of you should have great fun.  I hope you meet other staffies there.  

    Good luck in the ring.  But even if you do not win anything.  You know you have the best dog there.  

  9. a dog

  10. As someone has already said an inbred pedigree. It makes me sick  that deformed animals are paraded around a show ground for our benefit.

  11. Well, are you showing your dog? Is it an AKC show? If so, your dog has to be registered with AKC. Did you fill out entry forms?

    If you are showing your dog:

    Get a show collar and lead

    BATHE and BRUSH the dog before the show.

    Bring 'bait' like jerky, meat, or something


    Towel to wipe off any slober or dirt before going in the ring.

    I think that covers it...

  12. a cat

  13. An inbred pedigree dog of course, with lots of health problems

  14. Always found a fold up chair useful. You do not need to take papers to a show

    poo bags, water bowl, dog treats biscuits

    good luck

    is it a fun companion show all breeds and crosses welcome

  15. Even though you think he's a pedigree he may not be eligible for the pedigree classes. As he is a rescue i'm assuming he'll have been neutered. If he is then he's unlikely to be placed. Having said that there are still loads of classes you can enter.

    You don't need to take heaps of stuff with you.

    You'll need:

    water and a bowl.

    treats (really tasty ones, hot dog sausage, cheese or liver)

    a brush

    lead and collar

    chairs for you to sit on

    a picnic (food is usually quite expensive at shows)

    a damp towel to put over your dog to keep him cool if it's hot ( well you never know, it IS August after all!)

    a brolly in case it rains ( more than likely!)

    Money (to spend on all the lovely doggy things like smart collars and dog toys)

    A safety pin or ring clip to attach your entry number to yourself.

    Oops, nearly forgot the all important poo bags!

    Good luck! Let us know how you get on won't you? :)

  16. It totally depends what kind of show this is.  AKC shows require dogs to have AKC papers.  Your show you mentioned doesn't sound like one of those, so it might be more of a "lets all bring our dogs" type show.  

    It also depends how long your dog is going to be there, if he's doing any obedience/agility, etc.  If he'll be there a while he'll need a crate and shelter.  He'll need a water bowl, obviously a leash/collar, registration form if it's a show you need to pre-register for.  You'll need money to register if not, plus money to buy food for yourself etc.  You might need a chair to sit on.  

    If your show had a website this would be easier to answer...

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