
What Do I Say to Potentional Employers About My Previous Job?

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I had my previous job at an engineering firm for seven months. I was interviewed for that position by HR, the controller and the principals while the president was out of town. He had given them the authority to hire who they felt was best for the position. They chose me. Well, the president never liked me, found fault in everything I did and yelled at me for something every single day. They had had 6 people in that position just in 3 years! I had heard that he had treated them the same way. I even had a review with the principals and it was a good one, so I figured that I was doing okay despite the president's treatment of me. Then I was told I was being let go, that it wasn't working out. I went to temp agencies and had interviews, but nothing ever came out of them. I told the interviewers that it didn't work out because I wasn't quite the right fit for it. How do I explain what happened so I don't look like the bad guy? My friends have suggested that I don't even list this job on my resume, but it is going to show a gap. Besides, an employer can find out I worked there just by checking can't they?




  1. i'm hoping for more opportunity??

    yeah, leaving seven months off on you resume would look suspicious.

    I mean if you left it off it wouldn't be wthe worst thin g that you could do??? but i'd put it on.

  2. I'd just tell them the truth.  EVERYBODY has a job at one time or another that is not quite the right fit.  If your interviewer for your next job interview, doesn't understand that, then you don't need to work for that company either.  

  3. There is no way for the employer to check your former job, no.  But it is ALWAYS a bad idea to tell the truth.  I would say the job just wasn't a good fit for you, and if they ask further, explain the issue as simply and truthfully as possible.  Don't try to paint the former president in a bad light,. just be honest and say there was a conflict.  If pressed, bring up the review, and if possible, use one of the OTHER principles as a reference.

    Lying or leaving something off looks far worse than something like this.

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