
What Do Men Want?

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1. A Stay At Home Mom and Housewife Who Is Completely Dependant On Them?

2. A Self Sufficient Career Woman?




  1. Not all the men want the same. Sadly all women seek out self sufficient career men. However the rich doctor might be more interested in 1 and while the burger flipper would be really happy to be safed by a well earning woman most well off women decline politely, chasing successfull career men again complaining about the "men drought".

  2. id spring for 2.

    I dont want the housewife, i want the woman who works hard every day and comes home exhausted and ready to relax, we can cuddle up and just chill and a hard day at work.

  3. well, i want number two but that is just me, i love a strong independent minded woman.

  4. I've seen this same question a few times before - it's a false dichotomy.

    Still, I'm attracted to women with strong personalities who know what they want. Probably comes from growing up in New Jersey, where that's common.

  5. I guess 2., but it really doesn't matter. Perhaps, we men are the one to take responsibility to work for our families.

  6. all they want is s*x

  7. I think you know what men want, deepthroatdebbie.

  8. either/or. Men are all different just like women are. I look at me and my best friend, i'm the settling down type, have been with my fiance 4 years and we're trying for a baby, my friend is a complete commitment phobe and it will be a lot of years until she settles down. everyone is different, you can't generalise about half of the worlds population.

  9. i want a man

  10. *Yawn*

    From what I've seen the impossible.

  11. Men want both.

  12. a self sufficient career woman.

  13. 1. as a wife, 2. as a mistress.

    Best of both worlds :-).

  14. Wow somebody is cranky today. What Men want is simple. Pleasant Agreeable companionship, don't spend us into bankruptcy, regular enthusiastic Intimacy and s*x. Somebody who is realistic and reasonable. Every now and then respect and some appreciation. If not it is preferable to be Single.

    Your statement is picking a fight? What is your motivation? I thought Women had choices? Those Women who choose to stay at home had the right to do so. Am I wrong? Who appointed you to tell Women and Men what their choices should be? Here's a clue. Adults choose for themselves. And don't really care what you think. Or what your Feminist Professor Thinks.

    Many Women who choose to embrace Career rather than Family, are now voicing their regrets. Including Feminist Icon Germaine Greer.

  15. Depends on the kind of relationship we want at the time, i going to say both, the first for creating a homely relaxed atmosphere, feeding me and bringing up my kids and the other as my mistress.

    EDIT. Actually, given that i don't want any more kids ill just take the second option.

    btw, please don't disprespect sahm's their contribution to society out weights any contribution that professional career women will ever make.

  16. some want 1

    some want 2

  17. their cake and eat it too

    some want either of those options though

    depending on what they are comfortable with

    a recent study confirmed men prefer the women to be wealthy

    and men are more likely than women to get involved with someone rich for security

  18. My wife stays home with my two children and that is working out well. When the children get old enough and they are both in school she is going to get a full time job. This works out for us, we don't pay for child care and with the rise in these nut jobs hurting kids we don't have this worry. This seems to work for our family, We are both happy

  19. I would prefer wife number 1 as long as I could trust her not to divorce me in a gold digging way.

  20. Most will say number 2, but there will be a few who say number 1 - male and female answers included :-)

  21. they usually like number 1 but sadly..thats kind of rare nowadays!

  22. I'm g*y and I want a man.
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