
What Do Other Doctors Do When They're On Call?

by  |  earlier

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I've always wondered this, because me and my housemate both work on call fairly regularly. Although, he works in Trauma Surgery, and I work in Infectious Diseases (and more commonly) in Critical Care.

And all we ever seem to do is stay awake. Because as a Trauma Surgeon, most of his patients are going to end up in my care, but we don't sleep that much. Especially as I am a long-term insomniac, and he is hyperactive. So, we basically stay up and talk to patients that can't sleep, normally pre-surgery patients.

So, the question is. Apart from sleep, what do other doctors do on call?




  1. You need to be shot. Twice this past week, I didn't even get a chance to eat until my shift was done the next morning.

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