
What Do People Fear? ?

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I fear a lot of things and it is debilitating on a day to day basis and i have fears that have been with me, which seems like forever. The types of fears I have are fear of making mistakes, fear of rejection fear of how i look and being ridiculed, I know a lot of it is in my mind, but i know there's more to it than just that or my fears would not be there. It more than just thinking and a lot to do with feeling for me.

I asking this question to ask what other people fear and how they deal with it or anyone have suggestions about dealing with the different types of fears in a positive way. Thank you.




  1. ill be the **** outta them, twice

  2. Your question concerns me. I feel, in my opinion, you may be suffering a form of depression. Would you mind seeking the opinion of a General Practitioner?

    I've been led to believe that your thinking does control the way you feel. Some cognitive behavior therapy may help. I think these are positive steps, in my experience.

    hope this helps  

  3. I fear death and tacos overstuffed with beans

  4. I fear rejection, making mistakes or failing, being judged on how I look or being ridiculed just like you do, but that's not really fear, that's just a low self esteem. I can't speak in public, I can't make eye contact, I never try new things and it is almost impossible for me to make friends because of this.

    I also have claustrophobia, a fear of small spaces.

    And I am TERRIFIED of the Muppet's, specifically, Kermit.

  5. I have fears, but they don't fit into the same category as yours. I know alot of people who probably fear similar things, and some of its natural, because it is important for us to please others and make ourselves look good and to be accepted, but I think you need to focus on the positive characteristics you have and try to throw away the negative ones. It will help you feel confident and build a tougher shell to other peoples perceptions and gradually your fears should go away. Focusing on the positives will help you accept yourself and feel more comfortable around others without so much worry.  

  6. i have no fears.  I kick butt.

    $.05 please

  7. Im afraid of dying alone.. but its not a big thing..

    most of all i fear spiders.. like way over afraid.

    Dead, alive, or even just trying to watch a movie about spiders.. i cant do it.

    If i watch a movie with spiders i have a panic attack thinking theres one on me or somthing..  

  8. All you have to do is get a sense of humor, or become a bad-***, those two options worked wonders with me.

  9. The dark, the unknown  

  10. I have the fear of failure. Yeah, it's ridiculous, but i hate challenges. Whenever some performing thingy in school comes my way, EVEN IF ITS FOR THE GRADE, I don't go through them at all.

    Call me a cowardice, but trust me, I'm not a risky person. So I watch, read things that end up inspiring me. I guess not everyone can be strong. You're a lot like me, because I too, fear things like rejection etc.

    But I guess we just have to remember that we're not perfect and that no one is.
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