
What Do Rabbits Need in Their Cage at all Times?

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I'm getting a rabbit this afternoon and I've found a few things that they'll need at all times, such as food, hay, and water (obviously) but I'm wondering if they need anything else in their cage?

I know some toys, such as chew sticks and a few balls, exc. But am I missing anything?

Please only answer if you have owned a rabbit, own one, or are a professional. If you know nothing about this, don't waste my time.





  1. well also they need stuff like..........

    love AND LOTS OF CARE.

  2. i have a mini lop and i love him lots. and not to knock on anyones answers but shavings in the bottom of a cage is just a waste of time. Try the litterbox and only the litterbox. bunnies are really smart . if you only give them the litter box with pellts(make sure they are safe i use a brand called yesterdays new) they will only use the litterbox to well u know. rabbits will do this because they know that if the mess in the bottom of there cage they will walk in it or lay in it and wont like it they are really clean animals.Also a towel can be dangerous if they decide to snack on it. You should get minarel and salt l**k they love them. and if you do want something in the bottom of the cage try a wicker mat or a mat made of straw!

    good luck and have fun with your new bunnie!!!

  3. That sounds about right, but your rabbit would really appreciate it if you let it out a lot, and played with it. This would keep your rabbit happy and probably healthier.

    Some rabbits like to explore the house, so be careful when you let it run around. Be patient and caring, your rabbit may be scared of you at first. Rabbits enjoy occasional vegetables and like rabbit treats. They can be very funny and cuddly animals, so have fun. You can also train a rabbit to learn its name and a few other things.

    Salt and mineral wheels are always fun for them! Some also like stuffed animals. Maybe get a little pan, too, and put pellet bedding in it.

    Good luck!

    Oh, you may also want to get a nesting box and put bedding in it. Your rabbit will like to sleep and hide inside of it.

    And just for future reference- rabbits aren't rodents. =)

  4. welll, i put wood shavings at the bottom, a hanging water bottle, food in a dish, a hay case thing that hangs on the side of the cage (its like a box made out of wire) and baby toys that make lots of noise. my bunnies seem to really like those. and toys that hang from the top of the cage, they like to like bat at it.

    goood luckk with your new bunnie! :)

  5. food water and that wood shred stuff that you put on the floor. be sure you clean the cage often too

  6. Well, ive owned 5 rabbits and i know they need somthing to chew on or there teeth will grow to big. you can use wood or somthing ment for rabbits. but if you use wood make sure its not painted.

  7. Put shavings in that you can buy at the pet store.  They love leafy veggies.  If you keep it in the house and let it out be careful to watch it. I had one once and it chewed my telephone cord in half.

  8. I used to have a bunny and It worked best to get a little litter box and put it in the corner of the cage with litter pellets. She will learn to use the bathroom in this which makes it a lot easier to keep clean. Make sure the the hay is by the litter box which will make him learn a little faster. Also for the bottom of the cage a towel is the best thing to use not shavings. You also will want to get them spayed or neutered. this will help with the biting and fits. Good luck and enjoy. They are fun to have.

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