
What Do Saudi Guys Really Do at Estrahas?;-p?

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Please feel free to to add any details that might help put some light on the happenings!lolz





  1. Due to limited choices of entertainment for Saudi guys, it is typical for groups of male friends to have regular weekend get-togethers at estrahas. By way of background, an estraha can be compared to a very small Saudi farm in that it will be an enclosed area with a high wall all around for privacy. Inside the wall at a minimum there will usually be a grassy area and then some kind of dwelling(s) either like a very small house and/or beudoin style tent (but usually with a/c, heating and satellite tv).  Some estrahas may also have swimming pools, tennis courts and areas for soccer.

    Try and put yourself in the Saudi guys shoes. If he is by himself or with other friends, he cannot go into the shopping malls as they are for women or families only. The restaurants are segregated and one cannot hang out in a restaurant without buying something to eat or drink. And what do guys generally like to do when they are together? Chat, smoke, enjoy the hubbly bubbly (hooka), play cards or perhaps have something to drink. (I’m being candid here and not pretending the head is in the sand). Obviously many of these pastimes cannot be enjoyed easily in town due to restrictions and lack of privacy, so instead they go to a family estraha or rent one where they can relax and enjoy themselves.

    Just because a Saudi guy says he is spending an evening out at an estraha does not mean it is an evening of ill-repute at all. Let’s face it, at times, guys need to be guys and have their own male bonding time, just like women will enjoy getting together by themselves as well. So the next time your husband says he wants to join the guys at an estraha, smile warmly and encourage him to have a good time. He will appreciate you and your understanding all the more.

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