
What Do Turtle Eat In General?

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I found a turtle on the pavement road/ground(so i'm guessing its a land turtle) and I dropped it on the ground and now I want to give it some food to feel better. So what do turtles in general like to eat.(Right now I've made it a lettuce and banana salad-with only lettuce and banana, no condiments-) so what else can I feed it?

Also, do turtles like filtered water? Or water from a hose, or should I give it muddy water to drink?

Also can I give it a salted ice cube, as and ice l**k?(using iodized salt)




  1. Did you injure the poor thing?  If not, I would recommend releasing it.  There are SO many captive raised turtles for you to choose from (AFTER you research them, and know their needs) - why would you want to deplete the wild population?  Not to mention it is a violation of federal law to remove a native animal from its wild habitat.

    Also, just because you found it on the road doesn't mean its a land turtle.  Hatchlings must cross land, where they are laid, to enter water, where they need to live.  Older turtles (especially males) will move from pond to pond, for breeding reasons, and have to cross land to do this.  Or water turtles will move to new locations, if the food source dwindles/dies out, or the water becomes contaminated, or dries up.

    Do the right thing, and put the animal back in the wild.

    GUESSING what an animal eats is a BAD idea, and an injustice to the animal.  You can make it ill.

    Since you posted here, it's obvious that you know how to use a computer.  Release that turtle back into its native habitat, and then get busy researching turtles, to determine what kind you would like to own.

    I've posted a few links below to get you started on your quest.

    I hope this has been helpful.

  2. lettuce

  3. Veggies shrimp and fish if owned pellets

  4. it depends on what type but turtles eat  veggies and a few type of bugs they also have foods for most type of turtles and tortoises at zoo meds

  5. Aquatic turtles: floating turtle pellets, dried shrimp, small live fish, aquatic aquarium plants, which you can all find at your local pet store.

    Land Turtles: pellets specifically for land turtles, fruits and vegetables. Some land turtles and tortoise will also eat worms. Meal worms or worms from the bait shop.

    CHeck out

  6. almost anything green ,give it fresh water,DONT an mud , no salt.

  7. Just give it regular hose water. It will be fine with that since it's wild. No muddy water or salt though. I'd just stick with the hose water and that salad.

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