
What Do U Think About Eye Color Changing Surgery?

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I have a very black eye color like charcoal's colour

I hate it

I got info from my friend that in central america there's a surgery to change your eye color

The doctor will put a permanent eye contact in your eyeball

What do you think??




  1. Well its not all that serious

  2. thats crazy.

    I would never have surgery

    for that. If you hate it that

    bad then just get contacts.lOl

  3. What do I think?  Save your money for lasik if you need it down the line :)  I wanted purple eyes in my younger days, but I am so glad that I did not change what I have now.

  4. I don't trust my eyes to anybody "first world or third world doctors" NFW.   So what if they are black?  You don't have to look at them.  Everybody else does.  That is their problem if they don't like it.  This is what I was born with, they work; and that is good enough for me.

      Doctors are experimenters.  Medicine is an experimental science.  It does not work in   "all cases".

       TV shows about doctors is fantasy.   A case here or there that they keep the body alive at.   What about the 50 they lost?  That is reality.

  5. I wouldn't trust an eye surgery doctor located in Central America. Plus its best just to wear contacts !i

  6. yes i herd about this i herd it is fairly safe yet would not recommend it until around 5 years ahead because it has not fully developed i would hold it off until you know exactly what you are going threw with

  7. Too risky - you could end up blind or something. Your eye colour sounds really charismatic, and you might feel better about the colour in a couple of years or so. I'd certainly give it that sort of time before you consider taking the risks of the operation. You could wear nonpermanent contacts in the meantime.

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