
What Do YOU Think About This Picture of Miley? (link)?

by  |  earlier

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Personally, I don't think its that bad.... but yes, i do admit i miss the old miley :,( doesn't everyone.?




  1. I think it's yet another attempt to exploit the minds of young teens.

    Most people would not be shocked by these pictures at all because too many people do this kind of thing.  

    Unfortunately people no longer know how to be modest.  And it's unfortunate that many of us have fallen in the past to this kind of behavior.

    Fortunately we have an advocate who will forgive us if we repent.  Whew..

  2. Maybe she should be left to grow up in peace, seems like a normal 15 year old to me. Lets hope we don't have another Britney Spears emerging

  3. there are even worse pictures (like her showing her bra)

    on google type miley wet t-shirt its d second link and there r more pictures.

  4. she looks HOT

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