
What Do Yawl Wont TO KNOW bout thesis Hair Trees?

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What Do Yawl Wont TO KNOW bout thesis Hair Trees?




  1. there are 4 possible meanings for the meaning of your question,first choice would be,about if there is a CHTR,



    I.V. Dulera, A. Basak, P.P. Kelkar and R.K. Sinha Reactor Engineering Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre

    This paper was judged as the Best Poster Paper under the theme “Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems and Concepts” at the Sixteenth Annual Conference of Indian Nuclear Society (INSAC 2005) held at Mumbai, during November 15-18, 2005. A b s t r a c t

    CHTR is mainly a 233U-Thorium fuelled, lead-bismuth cooled and beryllium oxide moderated reactor. This reactor, initially developed to generate about 100 kW Th power, will have a core life of 15 years and will have several advanced passive safety features, to enable its operation as compact power pack in remote areas not connected to the electrical grid. The reactor is being designed to operate at 1000°C, to also facilitate demonstration of technologies for high temperature process heat applications such as hydrogen production from water. Larger power reactors would be designed subsequently


    2-charter trade quotes,the summary quotes related to the stock market,



    {CHR3 is }=Chromatography refrigerators,and they are

    customized equipment packages designed specifically for individual project and lab applications for the scientific and industrial laboratory specific needs


    4-The letters CHT denote a particular type of 4-cylinder internal combustion engine produced by the Ford Motor Company in Brazil during the 1980s. It is a completely different engine from the CVH engine and should not be mistaken with it.

  2. Hair Trees? Trees with hair? Cool. (I will assume this question is all in fun.)

    What color is the hair? Does it vary? Is it genetic as with animals? Is it different from human hair in any noteworty ways? Why did it happen? What is it for? How did it evolve? Can we use it to make wigs for cancer victims? Will it become to product of a major industry? What do the trees themselves look like? Where do they grow hair (all over, like fur or just on top)? Does the hair take the place of leaves and photosynthesize? Are these... (looks around nervously) alien trees? Or is it some bizarre mad scientist's creation?

    Will Google take over the world, or will you stop it? (I don't approve of world domination so you better stop them.)

  3. say what now ??? what planet are u from

  4. May I cow ya Woodi?  .... Okay then Woodi, aow ma laaf Iben wawnin-o no dis: "How many trees does a man need to plant in a desert to guarantee his retirement"?

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