
What Do You Americans Think Of English People ?

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Now i know this is a very vague question but i would like to know the general stereotypical view of what you think english people are like and wether you think the relationship between the two countries is strong or weak.

I ask this question because i have had very mixed views from (i must add was on the xbox) american people who hate the english and don't see you as an individual, to the really decent americans who take you as you are as a person. As far as i was aware american people liked english people and english people liked americans but it didn't seem so on the xbox lol. Please give reasons to your answers either way.

I would love to visit america and would like to know which you would consider the friendliest state to be :)

In honour of you answering this question i would like you to listen to a song by a great american band :D




  1. ha i was gonna ask the same question tonight bout ireland,im irish,i think    english people are great,were all the same on this side of the pond but maybe ye suffer a bit cause of your history.

  2. ohhhhh punks guys from UK are HOT!!!! i just love how they talk  

  3. Your just ducky dear.  

    Love the Brits.

    New Hampshire is a wonderful state.  Very pretty and friendly.

    I think we have a wonderful relationship.

    You seem like nice enough sorts.

  4. Who gives a d**n what the Americans think? They only have two faults: everything they say and everything they do.

    Myself: I have no problem with English people - I actually prefer them to a lot of Irish

  5. You have the answer in your question. You will get mixed reactions here. The all time joke is that the English have bad teeth (but I saw your teeth on facebook, and thats not true).

    Most Americans love the British accent. Personally, I am crazy about British galz and so are alot of my friends. I have a huge crash on Lady Sovereign and her music to my ears.

    There is no single State where you will feel welcome or not welcome. Everywhere you go you will find very nice people, and jerks in the same neighbourhood. I am sure this is true of England as well.

  6. I use to think English people were s****. and stuck up then we had exchange students from Bristol at our school.  I had the fortunate pleasure of hosting one of them. We became so close that we are still in contact.  Now I see English people as what they truly are...PEOPLE. Some are nice, and some are not. You can't judge the whole by what the few do.

  7. I dont know about americans.. but i find english people to be rude, arrogant, delusional. always look at ya as if you're going to shoot them or something lol. i've actually been 2 england :/

  8. There are some older sterotypes that the English had bad teeth or that all they do is drink tea. The worst is that a lot of people joke that the English are snobs. But really we are just kidding when we say it (not saying that I say it personally). I watch top gear a lot and those guys like to make fun of Americans, and its all in fun.

    As far as the friendliest state I would go with Virginia! Really any southeren state (below Maryland over to Texas).

  9. I'm American, and I love English people. In my mind I have this instinct saying England is where I belong. I'm a total Anglophile. Anyway, getting back to your question, I think people would totally like you if you came to visit America. Most Americans find them witty, fun, charismatic,  and most of then LOVE English accents! :) I hope that answers your question.

  10. Questions like these are typically subjective to the individual; however as an American I believe that our general perception of the English is a positive one. We have many cultural similarities and most Americans are fascinated by the differences. Personally, I think the English are a wonderful group of people; you have a great sense of humour, good music, and an awesome taste in fashion. The English that I've encountered in the states were very friendly and always polite. Sure, there are jerks here, but that's unavoidable no matter what country you're in. If you plan to visit you'll have a good time no matter the state.

    -Thanks for the music clip; a it's clever idea.

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