
What Do You Blame the President for? ?

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Housing, gas, economy, war, environment, your divorce, your business failing, your looks, health care, taxes, schools, law enforcement, crime etc.... what would you like to blame the President for today?




  1. I have not gotten my Free Flat panel TV yet from the government.

    Obaba 08!

  2. idk.



  4. I blame him for housing, gas, economy, war, environment, health case, taxes, schools, law enforcement, increase in crime, international problems.......  These were certainly not issues at the for-front when Clinton was president.  Bush did a lot of damage to America and for some reasons, he blames Clinton even though he has been in office the last 8 years.

  5. Blame can only be ascribed where he willfully is not doing his job.

    In this case, the Constitution requires he 'repel' the invading hordes of illegal aliens.  That is the one clear issue where he is worthy of blame - for not taking whatever action is required of him by the Constitution, Article IV, Section 4

    Regarding Iraq - when President Clinton made it official US policy to remove Saddam by force and install a new government, in 1998, Democrats were all for it.  Clinton failed miserably.  Bush has achieved ALL of the objectives laid out by Clinton - but Democrats pretend that never happened.  They trust their constituents to have very short memories, to not remember the 1998 bombing of Iraq or the Iraq Liberation Act.  They now 'blame' Bush for doing what the Democrat leadership said MUST BE DONE.

  6. Sending my husband to war again and again. Killing my neighbor, sending my friend's husband to war even though he was a terrible shot and had ridiculously out dated equipment and his death 2 weeks after he put boots on the ground. I blame him for the lowest military pay raise in history (thanks again!), for the fact that so many soldiers live in poverty and the need for a WIC office on military posts.

    There's probably more, but that's what comes to mind initially.

  7. I'm gonna blame you for being so naive about the president

    I'm also gonna blame him for high gas prices

    a screwed up economy

    and sending people to fight his own war

    and for setting up the fall of the towers

    anything else you'd like to know?

  8. I blame him for people who have received an incomplete education, such as yourself. The teachers union is to blame for a lot of the ignorance being taught in today's public schools. How's that for ten points?

  9. Pretty much everything up there except divorce.

  10. People need to stop blaming the president and the government for their personal problems. Time to start taking responsibility for your problems and fixing them. Stop waiting for the government to bail you out, it's not their job and most likely will not happen.

    Bigger issue such as the war and economy have to do with the president, but he is not responsible for them all. This is a democracy therefore no one person has absolute power or authority. Look at the rest of your elected officials, they too need to share the responsibility and the burden of our problems.  


  12. 1. The economy - He has borrowed TRILLIONS to fund this war and whether you want to face it or not, it has contributed to the downward spiral of our economy.

    2. The war - He wanted it and he got it, regardless of how unethical it is for the US to be there.

    Most educated, rational people don't blame him for their divorces, etc.

  13. I agree with Jon & Katydid...actually, he has given himself more power than any other president has given themselves or used.

    He refused to listen to the faculties of colleges throughout the world and other experts who asked that he get more info prior to going to war

    He has made Other Countries his priority when those who did vote for him, were U.S. residents

    We are spending our tax $ outside the U.S. to help so many while our country and its citizens are losing their homes, their jobs, etc.

    These are all historically things that happen when much more $ leaves our country than enters it.

    I have pay federal taxes since 16 years of age, I should have some decision on how our government spends my money.

  14. 9/11, the war, the economy...

  15. Using an attack on my state and country to lead us into a war with Iraq, kill our troops over false pretenses, destroying our international relationships, and not caring about people enough to help them with the problems they're facing.

    I blame the president, and I blame the people who still support him even after all he's done to us.

  16. He killed my puppy.

  17. Nothing.  I take responsibility for my own self.

  18. Absolutely nothing!  Not that I'm a huge Bush supporter, but everything has to go through congress.  He's not responsible for everything that goes on in this country.  And it's only going to get worse if that idiot Obama gets in.

  19. I don't think blaming the President for anything is very mature, while at the same time I don't agree with a lot of his ideas (pretty much all of them).

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