
What Do You Do For A 17th Bday??

by  |  earlier

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since my Sweet 16 was pretty much a huge thing, we want to keep my 17th a smaller get together.

Maybe a max of 10 people.

What can you do for a party that doesn't cost a whole lot??

If we don't find ideas, we'll just hang at the house, but what would we do for entertainment??

HELP!!!! My party is the 15th. Please, I need ideas. lol




  1. Go to the mall, there you can eat, have dessert, and maybe go to the arcade.

    At some music stores they have an American Idol Karoke thing, pretty cheap and easy to hook up it hooks up to your tv, not big. Looked like lots of fun.

    Make homeade pizzas, have a few people making them with different toppings.

    Hope whatever you decide you have a great one!

    Happy early b-day!

  2. Cake and icecream and rent a video. Have fun decorating your house with balloons and streamers (not too expensive, get them at the 99 cent store.) If you'd rather you can look for games to play. Do an internet search for games.

  3. have a party

  4. You should give more information in your question first... for me at least without knowing what you and your friends interests are i really cant help you..

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