
What Do You Do When A 4 Year Old Tells You To "Stop Being Sassy" ?

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What Do You Do When A 4 Year Old Tells You To "Stop Being Sassy" ?




  1. I don't know.  My 2 year old told me to calm down, counted to 3 and then put me in time out. Maybe I was being sassy.

  2. HA HA HA obviously she has heard it before and everybody knows that kids are good at mimicking even when you don't think they pay attention. My husband was telling me that he got a write up at work for a minor infraction and our 4 year old asked what a write up was and he explained that he messed up and his boss wrote down what he did wrong and she signed it and he had to sign it. Almost a week later I smacked her hands for messing with the deep fryer that I was heating up and she went and told her daddy that I made her mad and I shouldn't smack her hands and told him to give ME a write up! You gotta love em.

  3. You laugh your *** off! That is hilarious!  

  4. Laugh, a four year old knowing the word sassy would make me laugh.

  5. usually a child at 4 will repeat what they hear... so if they are telling you to stop being sassy... they probably heard it somewhere...

    I don't think it is much to worry about  

  6. Actually, you shouldn't laugh, (even though it would be a challenge for me a If you laugh, you will teach him telling you that is a good thing. Most likely some one has either said it to him or to some one when he was watching. You should make sure you have his attention and just tell him firmly, but not mean..." no, no, we do not say that to (your name)"

    If for some reason verbally scolding him doesn't work, you should then ignore it. he is four and is doing it because it will hopefully spark a reaction is the most likely case.  

  7. Ha ha, take the kid's advice.

  8. Lol, I think I'd laugh.

  9. let's just say it would end with one of us crying

    "straighten out the tree while it is young"  

  10. LMAOO I can picture it happening to you hehe

    Not that you are sassy but some cute lil 4 yr old turning to you, saying it and your face like this =O haha

    Erm how does he know what it means anyways? Id laugh it off :P

  11. Well were you being sassy miss Stefy?

    If not, just look at him/her and say "how do you know what sassy even means?"

  12. Erm, I turn to their parents and ask them, did they teach him or that? That's quite disrespectful for a child to say that.

  13. I agree with the first answer laugh LOL

    I would sit back and evaluate why he/she said that to me.

  14. Laugh?

  15. Talk to him or her like a child would  and  use  Roger's  "I" terms(e,g., I don wanna hear hear you  say that junk in front of me) even though Rogers was a bad psychologist (imo) This works affectively if done well)

  16. LOLZ omg wow i 4 year old no the word sassy anyone will says u'd laugh ofcourse

  17. ha ha ha! kids are 2 yr old told me that if i want another baby to get a job! I almost choked with laughter cause I was not expecting that to come out of her mouth!!! and then when I was changing her diaper I was telling her how I was going to buy her some new fall and winter clothes and she told me "oh, yeah...I need shoes too" LOL How does a 2yr old tell me she needs shoes!!!

  18. yeah i think i would laugh at that. its cute, but i guess if you are upset by it just ask her not to talk to you like that... but its so funny.

  19. I think it would depend...Your Kid?  Was it a serious mouthy comment?

    I do not allow my kids to talk to me like that, and I dont allow my daycare kids to talk to me that way.

    I stop ( without laughing) Tell them that it is not ok to talk to other people that way and tell them if they do it again they will go to time-out.  I very rarely have to give time-outs though.

    On the flip side you have to make sure that you are talking respectivly to the kids, to show them the appropriate ways to communicate.

    If this was a kid on the street...I would still tell the child that speaking to me in that manner is not appropriate and if it happens again we will go and speak with the person who is in charge of them.....that usually stops the behaviour....But be willing to follow through with your threat.

  20. I remember once I was going out to meet my boyfriend and my 5 year old brother just comes says hey you're s**y. He tells it to everynone but I didn't know it at that time LMAO so little yet knows the lines.  

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