
What Do You Do When You Have Lost All Desire to Live..??

by  |  earlier

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I have been feeling really low. I am trying to recover from anorexia and i have been told i need to gain weight immediately or i will be put in the hospital. (i am 17 years old, 5'4 and 80lbs). I'm worried about starting school next week. I have extremely low self-esteem and i am afraid to be around my peers. My parents are getting a divorce and my mom is so stressed so she tries to relieve her stress by going out every night with friends and drinking. I don't have any friends, so i spend my days laying around, feeling alone, and thinking about everything that's going wrong in my life. Sometimes, i just wish God would take me away from all of this and take me to a place where i could be happy. What should i do? I feel like giving up




  1. To gain weight for you, I would concentrate on eating high calorie foods, maybe even lots of junk food in your case.

    Cheeseburgers, ice cream, chocolate, candy, lots of cheese (I said cheeseburger but yes processed cheese does carry many), lasagna, tacos (very HIGH in calories and fat, well just about all Tex Mex and Mexican foods are)

    Please do yourself and your mom a favor by gaining weight so she has one less thing to worry about.

    The peer thing, well gaining weight is priority so people wont stare at you more, less flaws less stares. Try to smile alot and give out compliments (not fake sounding ones though, like I like your shirt or backpack or something)

    And please dont give up. That'd really hurt your mom more and she may end up to if she loses her daughter. you have helped so many people cause you are a top contributor. You can IM me alright but Im usually busy but I wont mind.

  2. You must be strong. If you have IM, add my email because I would like to try and help you. And, I must add, I urge you to look for support groups. Please, you must be strong. All life is worth living. Email me - my email is shown on my profile, I think? IM me? Just don't give up. We are all here to support you :)

  3. Please don't give up on yourself girl. Sometimes you have to be your best friend. Try to find some people to talk too. I understand that that's alot to deal with but think about how much better your life could be than your parents use your mistakes and your parents mistakes as things to motivate you. & If you need somebody to talk to email me sometimes. =]  

  4. Change your Yahoo! Answers handle for a start if you're feeling low. 'Giggles for Life' hardly seems fitting, does it?

  5. man i know how u feel i mean i try to get better but theres just this feeling inside of me that want to feel pain and i have flashes in my mind of me falling and cracking my head opened or me jumping out the trolly

    ..........and i tried to get better i guess i just lost the love of life

  6. Get. Help. Now.


  7. i went through this same thing almost exactly

    email me

    or IM

    aim- ccantxtouchxthis

    yahoo- drummer_girl70

    do it now ok? I can help you :)

  8. Babe dont give up ever okay? im saddened to hear this, i mean its obvious you help so many people here since your a top contributer, we would be devistated if you died. God will take you at the right time, and now is not that time!

    i strongly suggest voluntarily admitting to a psychiatric hospital. they are so much help and you will get alot of support. Think of it as your own little vacation. no worries, no schooling, no outside problems at all. just other people like you, that have the same problems, and worse. it will really help you out and help you realize the importance of life.

    i tried attemtping suicide feeling the way you do. but at a psychiatric hospital i found someone taking TONS of meds all day just to stay alive, while i was here trying to die. that was my kick in the butt. when you get your kick in the butt, you'll know it, and you will change for the better. just need to find someone to do it now haha :) dont ever give up on us love were always going to be here for you.

    contact me on my profile and i will give you my number in case you EVER need support no matter what time of day

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