
What Do You Do When You Have To Much To DO?

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I don't know what to do. I have sooooooo much to do that it is overwhelming and therefor I find myself doing nothing at all and then I become mad at myself because nothing gets done. I've tried prioritizing, making a list, blah blah blah... I start projects and get side tracked (for months) and have soooooo much c**p half done that i am just frustrated.....




  1. Slow down and do one thing at a time.


  3. It is all a matter of will power. Set alarms on your watch and/or cell phone, post sticky notes all over the place, set automatic reminders to be sent from Outlook (if you use it), whatever it takes to keep your will power focused on what needs to be done.

    After that it is up to you and your own will power to make it happen. Nothing will happen for you, you need to use your will to make it happen.  

  4. get off the internet and start getting it done -- sounds like what I should do, too!  I am wasting time on Yahoo answers instead of working on my to-do list too.

    they say its easier if you start with a few 'easy tasks" so you can feel like you've accomplished something, and  this will spur you on to tackle more of the list.

    good luck!

  5. You need to read some Stephen Covey to see how to become more effective. In the meantime, start by doing one item from your list per day.  

  6. start doing what you have to do and stop thinking about it. the more time you spend thinking about how much you need to do, the less you get done. the hardest part is making a start but once you've done that, psychologically you will feel better because you will know that you've got at least something done. trust me this will help. when people used to tell me how to deal with it i always used to think it wouldn't help but it does. even if you dont make a list, you need to know exactly what you need to do. the good thing about making a list is that it feels really good when you tick off what you have done. it's psychologically rewarding and makes you happy. either start simultaneous tasks so that you know you've made a start on all or start with one and complete it before you move onto the next but that depends on what type of person you are. i would normally start more than one and then end up finishing them altogether and that felt like such an accomplishment. good luck to you.

  7. this happens to me with school. I put off school work for a few days (or any kind of work), and then i get really behind. Then i start slacking with other things in my life such as keeping my house clean and going to work and i find myself becoming sloppy (appearance wise and cleanliness). then i have so much on my plate i just don't do anything at all so i just get sick and tired. i also get really depressed and i snap on people because i am so stressed.

    what i do is i just do it! i start one thing that i really have to do (such as a project or my laundry or whatever). then, its like a chain reaction. because i got one thing done, i start to do the others because i like the satisfaction of finishing things.

    so one day, just sit down and DO what you have to do. don't be lazy. it will start a chain reaction and by the time you know it, you will have a lot done and not feel as overwhelmed.

  8. i write lists.  i LOVE lists. i write list in order of importance.  i complete the list and go in order of the day. i change list the next day based on importance again.  

  9. Go through everything and make a list of each task.  Don't number the items yet, though.  Once you have a list of all your tasks, read each one and priotitize them in order of importance/urgency.  Number them as such, or rewrite the list in the new order if that's easier.

    Remember to prioritize, and always try to do just one thing at a time.  Multitasking is not for people like you and me (unless we just want to get bits and pieces of tons of things done!)

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