My 11 year old daughter was assaulted at school in which she didn't fight back. The perpertrator was expelled only to be reinstated with the same mentality. I filed charges against the child, and had a hearing with her mom. Whom by the way, feels as if her child can do no wrong. I've meet with several school officials concerning this matter.... to no avail. In the meantime, this child is still harassing not only my child, but others. One of the teachers walk the children to their destination to ensure their safety. Bullying is a nation wide problem irregardless to creed, age , gender...etc. The BOE seems to wink on such a serious matter. I mean seriously, The Board Of Education has taken a great disinterest in the safety of our children. I'm devastated. I watch my child go from being so confident and socially incline to being withdrawn from school and any of its proceedings. Any suggestions?