
What Do You Guys think of Cultural Empirialism?

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Is it right or wrong in your opinion? I expect most people to say of course its wrong, but please give an answer and you reasoning behind it.




  1. Imperialism.

    This is the imposition of a foreign ideology on a people who don't want it. Take Bush's anti-Aids campaign in Africa: it is almost entirely about monogamy and celibacy. Africa has embraced polygamy for many thousands of years. The program doesn't even include free condoms! This is completely ludicrous and is a good example of Christian imperialism.

    Native Americans were forced to convert to Christianity. Beginning about 1890 children in reservations were taken away from their parents and sent to boarding schools where they were forced to learn English and forced to stop speaking their native tonuges. This is cultural imperialism.  

    It is arrogant in the extreme and any intelligent person will not indulge in it.

  2. A unified culture is a requirement if you want your society to survive and thrive, if you want your values to be accepted by the next generation.   Look at France, their culture is crumbling (both figuratively and literally) because they have refused to enforce their own social standards on people coming into their country.  I am all for cultural imperialism.

    Anytime you have two different cultures occupying the same space, you are going to have conflict of some kind.  The different cultures rarely learn to live together in either a harmonious or tenuous peace.  History shows that most times the cultures will either fight it out and the stronger culture will wipe the lesser culture out, OR one culture will assimilate the other culture.  Either way you are looking at cultural imperialism in action.

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