
What Do You THink Of The Women's Division On Smackdown?

by Guest45444  |  earlier

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I think it might actually be a little deeper than RAW's..... Also am i the only one that thinks Michelle McCool is a horrible wrestler?




  1. it's about time smackdown divas get to show their ability to wrestling ever since we lost the cruiserweight title a lot of divas were drafted to smackdown all they do are the stupid little dance offs and bikinis(HOT!!!)

    Michelle mcool is ok not terrible

  2. if they gave a title shot to victoria i would give the women's division on smackdown some props but Michelle mccool still has thing's she needs to perfect in the ring, she's not the best on smackdown even though she has the belt

  3. I also think Michelle McCool is a horrible wrestler, she didn't deserve the Divas championship yet, just because she's dating the Undertaker she gets a push, she gets no crowd reaction (the WWE edit it in).


    I think at the moment Smackdown has a better women's division, with Natalya and Victoria but Raw has a awesome division as well its just that Raw only give the divas 10 minutes of TV time so the raw divas don't get to show there real talent.

    What do you think of the womens division - I think its pretty good at the moment, like i said, i don't think Michelle McCool should be champion but she's doing ok as one, they have good matches and rumors are Candice Michelle is going to SD when she returns so that would be awesome for the division, and SD has got wrestlers like Natalya and Victoria and up and coming divas like Mayrse and Maria that can put on a great match (except maria), so to answer your question, Smackdown's diva's division is doing well for itself.

  4. As much as I hate to say this, the Diva division is less than a pathetic joke. Everything, from the belt to the ability of the wrestlers in it (other than perhaps Victoria and Naddie Neidhart) is a disgrace. As disgusting as it is to admit, right now TNA wrestling's women's division is completely dominant, even down to its weakest members, in the world of women's wrestling.  

  5. I think the Women's division is simply for the purpose of Eye Candy.   Very few WWE women have good wrestling abilities,  I'm pretty sure the male fan base could care less about the athletic abilities of the ladies.

  6. It's a good thing it's partial dramatics...a real women's fight is just d**n painful...

  7. I agree with you the divas on smackdown don't really suck i just don't think they are not challenged enough plus they are not involed in any good storylines like the divas on Raw are doing.There is good talent like Cherry(very good wrestler look at her indie matches on youtube) but she is not getting the needed exposure. Plus I believe a lot of them except Natayla and Victoria lack theat edge and heat that we use to see in the WWE divas during the Attitude Era.

    Michelle is not bad but she is not the best but I think they are pushing her too much and it is irritating  i mean when is she going to put the Divas Championship on the line. She is a textbook wrestler but she is not a nitty and gritty brawler like Natalya and Victoria.

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