
What Do You Think About The Steel Cage?

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is the Steel Cage match underrated or overrated? and why




  1. do u mean HIAC

  2. its a ring...covered with bars of steel

  3. I think that Steel Cage matches are very entertaining but I think the WWE is starting to overuse it. There are many other types of matches but WWE uses the steel cage match the most

  4. It is underrated because it is just used as a specialty matches on RAW or Smackdown, when it should be used as a pay-per-view match. It can get really boring when all they are trying to do is climb out and they are caught until some scores pin-fall. It should be used as a pay-per-view match like a H.I.A.C.

  5. It's overrated NOW.

    In the "old" days, a cage match was used to settle a feud.  The two guys would enter the cage, the door was locked, and they had a fight to the finish.  Brutal, bloody, violent, ugly.  Cage matches in the "old" days were INTENSE!

    Wrestlers nowadays don't seem to really know how to put on a good cage match.  Well, except for the Undertaker and Shawn Michaels, the two "old school" wrestlers in the WWE who do cage matches.  The other guys just seem to follow the same formula.  Fight for a bit then one tries to climb out, the other pulls him down, they fight some more, then one tries to climb out.  One gets "almost" knocked out, the other "almost" escapes, the other pulls him back at the last second.  Rinse and repeat a couple of times, then both climb up and fight on top of the cage.  Then somehow, miraculously, they both manage to drop down at the same time.  Huge controversy ensues.  "Who's feet hit the ground first?".  Referees have a meeting then choose a winner.

    This formula is repeated for each cage match, with slight variations, and is quite predictable unless Undertaker or Michaels is involved.

    In the "old" days, more often than not, neither wrestler tried to escape the cage.  They fought like dogs, making you believe they were really trying to cripple each other.  They beat each other bloody and senseless until one was finally able to pin the other, or in rare cases one made the other submit.  The cage match was built up and hyped as the "only way to settle the feud" and it indeed ended the feud.

    Sure, the cage match has always been a gimmick, a "special attraction".  The difference is in the believability of the performers and the fact that today, cage matches do not end feuds, they are just another way for two wrestlers to keep a feud going without seeming to get stale.

  6. i think it is really underrated actually becuz they end a little quick and they are not as entertaining so people just ignore tham half the time.

  7. overrated

    because its so lame....when there climbing out

    its the most botched match in HISTORY

  8. Its stupid

    take away the door and it might make a little sense

    why the h**l would you try to climb over the cage when there is a door?????????

  9. totally overrated its a worse version of h**l in a cell expescally since you just climb out to win a wrestler dose 1 finisher then he climbs out the cage least in h**l in a cell you brake the door open you climb up through your opponent off its exciting not dull like steel cage matches

  10. it is what it is.  it can be a very entertaining match when done right i.e. Umaga vs. Jeff Hardy, however they are starting to overuse it.  i think it should only be used once every three months or so, and HIAC once every year.

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