Basically, its about this kid whos the only white girl in her neighbourhood. After moving away to study in some craphole village for a year, she returns her hood, to find that everyones is a gang. Her old boyfriend has been shot and her litte brother is part of a gang too. Her moms lonely and scared. So what does she do? Well after meeting up with her surving girlfriends, she finds that Shaniquon has recently joined a dance troupe, and is aiming to enter college on a dance degree. She cottons on to this idea, adn begins dancing for the final audition to eneter the performance arts school while being positively badass and learning a lesson in life and helping her mother and her brother overcome the ghetto and finally finfing her true love.
Im aiming for a 90 minute film, with about 77 minutes of dance 8 mins of melodrama. Oh and its has to PG so al drive bys must be done with supersoakers.
Im so confident with this film, im giving the idea away for free, as i know ill be BEGGED to create another. So its my compliments.