
What Do You Think Of My Photography?

by  |  earlier

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honest opinions please! and any criticism is welcome =]




  1. I myself am into "creepy photos"

    So i really liked the moon ones, and the lonely and forgotten? one.

    Your amazing, go into photography NOW!

  2. Amazing Photo's

    There Beatiful And the

    drops on the leaves are so

    Natural I love them so much

    i Wish i Was As Talented as

    you Great Photos


  3. i like it.  rose is my favorite, love the contrast of colors.

  4. First of all, very good photos. The water droplet ones are spectacular macros, and I believe could be sold, but you're going to have to concentrate on other types of photography (you can't survive completely on water drop macros). You could sell them on a number of different websites, but I think the output for commercial selling wouldn't match the input. You're quite good with macros, I noticed, as your best are the water droplets and flowers. You should work more on everything else, having composition being your main focus. It seems most of your images are well exposed, so I wouldn't worry much about that. You should join flickr, it's kind of like deviantart, but entirely photography. You'll improve way faster in a community of photographers. Most importantly, have fun.

  5. i like them.   I think you have a very good eye for photography.  Keep studying and keep taking images. Talk, breath, and live photography if you want to be better.

  6. I like Fallen Angel I and the other angel statue.  The bee pic is nice!  Overall your photos are not bad at all.  You have a good eye.   As far as selling online....well it depends on if people are looking for those kind of images.  The photo market can be fickle.  I've been in photography off and on for 30 years and while I have had my share of published work I've also faced the lean times.  

  7. they are so cool but i don't like the little fairy 1 but t i love the rest  

  8. heres my honest opinion: they look professional!!!!!

    u capture each image perfectly, like theres this lonely feeling but also beautiful moment.

    i made the heaven one my desktop if u don't mind XD

  9. Very good. I particularly like the bee on the flower and little fairy. :)

    However, the rose on the table and looking in the mirror was a bit of the over-rated emo type photography that has become nuisance on DA.

    On a scale of 1-10, I rate your photography a 9!

  10. i was actually surprised for they aren't bad.

    the frog (someday my prince will come) is really a very good image

    i think you know you're decent, and i think you know where you need to work on it some.

    don't forget to have fun with you photography.

  11. you are so amazing definatley outstanding please, please go into photography!

  12. UMMM HOLY TALENT?!?!  


    i really love that picture :D

  14. I think they're great.  My two favorites are "Fallen Angel" and "Lonely and Forgotten."  You're only 13?  You definitely need to stick with this and become a professional photographer when you're older.  You're very talented.  

    And yes, I think they would sell.

  15. I loved the ones with more color and detail; the leaves ones were okay; pretty but sorta boring; i liked Haunted though :) and most of the others

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