
What Do You Think Of My ROH PPV Card?

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Tell Me what you think of my ROH fantasy PPV card.

Opening match. Tag Team Scramble with winners getting a tag title shot at the next live event....Murder City Machine Guns vs Jack Evans/Ruckus vs Eddie Edwards and Go Shiozaki. Crazy spotfest as all scrambles are, with dives to the floor and near falls. But after Evans kicks out of ASCS Rush, The Guns hit double superkicks to the face and get the win. Match goes 9 mins. Go on to beat Jacobs and Black and next live event and get full time contract in ROH (Dont we all wish)

Next is an NWA title rematch. Brent Albright defends vs Adam Pearce. Before the match Pearce cuts a promo saying that he will not tap to the crowbar tonight. Old school match here. Lots of technical wrestling and such. But Albright gets the win and retains after making Pearce submit with the crowbar. As Albright exits the arena, the fans begin to chant YOU TAPPED OUT!!! And Pearce throws a temper tantrum while Hagadorn and Sweeney try to calm him down. 15 mins

Next is Delirious vs Rhett Titus with the winner getting Daizee Haze's services. Back and forth match with near falls and comedy spots. Titus hits Delirious with a finisher and uses an arrogant cover. Delirious counters and gets the win and Daizee as his girlfriend. Comedy match that goes about 12 mins.

Next is a 3 way for the resurrected ROH Pure Title. Kevin Steen vs Naomichi Marufuji . Very good match here with some stiff blows and high flying. I would give the win to Marufuji after he gets hit with the Package Piledriver and Steen is at the top about to Moonsault Marufuji. All of a sudden Marufuji nips up and hits a Shiranui from the top. 18 mins.

Next is a Street Fight. Roderick Strong vs Chris Hero. Roderick won the Sweet n Sour gauntlet the previous week and earned his match with Sweeney. But Sweeney purposely injured himself to weasel out of the match and gets replaced by Hero. But since Sweeney pulled out of the match, Cary Silkin comes out and announces a special stipulation to up the ante. If Strong wins, he gets a cage match will all other wrestlers banned from the ring. But if Hero wins, Sweeney gets Strongs contract. Stiff match here with brawling and chair shots in the crowd. A few high spots in the ring. Strong hits a backbreaker on Hero and right before he gets the win, Erick Stevens comes down and attacks Strong, turning heel and announcing himself as the newest member of Sweet n Sour Inc. Hero then hits Hero's Welcome but Strong somehow kicks out. Hero gets frustrated and loses concentration. Then Strong hits a backbreaker from the top to get the win and a match with Sweeney. 14 mins

Erick Stevens hangs back because next is the FIP Title match. Erick Stevens defends vs Bryan Danielson and Claudio Castagnoli. Danielson and Claudio brawl as the match starts, while Stevens just hangs back and saves energy. When all three men finally get involved, there is lots of near falls. While Claudio is subdued, Danielson goes to the top and prepares to hit a flying headbutt on Stevens. But Claudio gets on top and now him and Danielson are trading punches on the top rope. But since Danielson has his back turned while preparing to superplex Claudio, Stevens sneaks up and hits a Doctor Bomb on Danielson, and Danielson takes Claudio down with him on the suplex, making a Tower of Doom spot. Stevens pins Danielson and Claudio is unable to get back in and break it up. Stevens retains. Danielson realizes that Claudio cost him the title, which prolongs their feud. 24 mins

Next is the ROH World Title Match. Nigel McGuinness defends vs El Generico. Generico gets HUUUGGEEE pop from the crowd and Nigel justs gets the average boos with a few cheers. Generico begins by

just outquicking Nigel. Nigel finally corners him and pounds him. But Generico escapes and uses high flying offense to wear down Nigel. When he gets Nigel out of the ring, he hits a dive through the ropes, followed by a flip dive, and finally a big springboard moonsault, all out to the floor. The fans are now majorly into this and Generico is over like crazy. He hits tons of moves in the ring but Nigel kicks out of all of tthem. Generico then hits some sort of weird corkscrew that he has never done before, but Nigel kicks out again and rolls out of the ring and escapes into the crowd. But Generico climbs to the top and does a crazy dive into the third row and nails Nigel. Now Generico brings him back inside and puts him up for a superplex. But Nigel jumps down and hits a Tower of London on the apron. He brings Generico back in the ring but Generico kicks out. Now he hits a lariat. Generico kicks out. Another lariat. Generico kicks out. Extremely frustrated, Nigel goes for the London Dungeon, but Generico rolls through and gets the upset win and the ROH title. Steen comes out to congratulate Generico but as Generico is turned around posing to the crowd. He attacks him from behind and hits 3 Package Piledrivers, then locks in the Sharpshooter. This sparks a feud between Steen and Generico for the ROH World Title. 35 mins

Main Event is for the ROH Tag Team Titles. Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black defend vs The Briscoe Brothers in Ladder War 2. Match begins just liek the original Ladder War, fighting in the crowd with brutal chair shots. They get in the ring destroying each other with the ladders. While the Briscoes are concerned with Black, Jacobs tries to sneak up the ladder and get the belts. But Jay turns around and cuts Jacobs off. Jay holds Jacobs on his shoulders atop the ladder and Mark flies across them and hits the Doomsday Device off the top of the ladder, causing Jacobs to get knocked into 1 1/2 backwards revolutions before a hard landing. More brutal spots with the ladders. When Jay begins to climb the ladder, Tyler Black comes up and hits Paroxysm off the ladder. Then Mark goes up but Jacobs comes and sinches in the Endtime over the top of the ladder, appyling immense preasure to Marks ribs. Now they all brawling on the outside again. When they come back in the Briscoes hit stereo Shooting Star Presses and Somersault Legdrops on Jacobs and Black with ladders. Jacobs and Jay begin to fight on the outside again, leaving Black and Mark inside the ring. Black puts Mark on his back and places a ladder on top of his body. He then hits a Phoenix Splash with the ladder, da** near crippling Mark and himself. Then as Jacobs and Jay fight atop the ladder, Jay hits an enormous Jay Driller off the top of the ladder that destroys Jacobs and takes him out of the match. Jay goes to the floor and pulls out a giant ladder and sets it up. Mark manages to climb up the ladder with broken ribs. Put Tyler Black hits a springboard double dropkick, knocking off both Briscoes. As Black climbs the ladder, Jay gets up to the top and stops Black, Black hits Gods Last Gift from the ladder and climbs back up. But Jay shows amazing resilience by climbing right back up, but this time gets knocked off the ladder and through a ladder bridging the ring and the barricade. Black pulls down the titles and jumps off the ladder. He then passes out out 10 seconds after coming down from the ladder because of the brutality and pain he had suffered. 39 mins. Show closes with chants of THAT WAS AWESOME!!!




  1. This is more like a regular show card rather than a PPV card, as most RoH PPVs have only seven or so matches showing, many of which have far lesser match times.

    As a fantasy card though, this is excellent, with the exception of an Adam Pearce match going longer than a Strong vs. Hero match. Especially love Generico winning the gold, that would be awesome.

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