
What Do You Think Of Nastia Getting Robbed Of Another Gold?

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Don't you guys think it's a bit ridiculous how gymnastics doesn't award 2 of the same medal types if two athletes tie with the exact same score? I mean two women were already awarded duel silvers in track and field and every other sport goes by the same rule; just not gymnastics. Being a Nastia Liukin fan I'm a little upset of this mainly because the girl who beat her is suspect of being underage. I may be looking a little too far into this because without a doubt silver is still by far a great achievement which she is very proud of, I would just like some other peoples opinions please.




  1. The tie-break system shouldn't be used. Both girls deserved the Gold medal. It's always luck in sports competition. Sometimes lucky and sometimes not. That's just how the competition goes sometimes.

    Nastia's silver is Gold in my eyes.

  2. I think its horribly unfair. Sure they both are amazing gymnasts but still the judges just chose the one that THEY liked better. Does that make any sense at all. And I do think that that girl seriously does look about 12 or 13.

  3. I completely agree with you. I'm a huge Nastia fan, and I'm so disappointed that they took that away from her. At least she won the one that counts, the all around.

  4. This is one of the worst robberies in Olympic history.  Right up there with Roy Jones Jr.

  5. I know man it's not fair. Well it's in China so obviously the Chinese are gonna win the gold. They should have awarded both of them the gold though.

  6. It's IOC BS basically. I think there are ties in every other event except gymnastics. I'm positive there are ties in swimming because I saw two. Maybe it's just the events that are judged.


  7. the gymnast who actually won the first place gold had a higher execution score.

  8. Nastia got robbed they should have both been awarded gold they should complain im surprised they didnt! Why woudnt they give her the gold medal!

    I think its not fair how they are judging gymnastics. Its ridiculous that one Chinese girl fell on the vault and she got bronze. While alicia sacramonie  had two great vaults  and she didnt get a medal? I think they are favoring the chinese for some reason.  I dont have anything against them but com on!

  9. I wish they had both been given joint gold. That way it would have stopped this question being asked all the time.

  10. I guess Nastia knows how Shawn felt in the All Around. It's called Karma.

  11. Its crappy.

    I also think alicia sacramento should have gotten a medal on vault.  The gold medalist stepped out of bounds and the bronze medalist fell on her knees...that was c**p too.

  12. ya i agree. shawn, nastia, and alicia are all my favorites. shawn should have won the floor, nastia should have won the bars for sure, and alicia should hav gotten bronze for vault. any who if they both got the same score, why not give 2 medals right? well no because china has to get everything. hopefully all the chinese gymnastics girls will be underage and they will get their medals taken away. all tho i dont think they would bump everyone else up in the medals...not sure but nastia should have won that for sure, same with shawn and alicia. i hope they all come back in 4 years  in london and then again in 2016(hopefully they will be in chicago so i can watch them) i hope they all return and are ready to kick some butt in the competitions. glad someone else is concerned with this and cares about it!

  13. I agree, it isn't fair.

    How do they determine who gets the gold if there is a tie, anyway?

  14. I think you're right in the respect that if two gymnasts achieve the same score, it follows that they should be awarded with the same medals.

    This takes nothing away from the Chinese athlete who thoroughly deserved her medal... i think it's absurd that you're suggesting she's underage.

    I think what you also forget is that Nastia Luikin was born from 2 Russian parents and so in a sense, you're lucky for her to be in the American rather than the Russian team at all.

  15. yes i agree

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