
What Do You Think Of Ricky Ortiz?

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I like Ortiz he's very charismatic, and seems to have good mic skills and is ok in the ring.

What do you think of him?

And what do u think the future has in store for him?




  1. He's not bad, i don't see him as a maineventer in the future but at least an upper-midcarder

  2. i think he has a future. i see in a couple years, he will be a lot better and main eventing

  3. he is okay

    and thats the truth

  4. I love that he loves what he is doing. You can tell that he is into it. He is digging it.

    I think that he will be good, but not great. I would like to see him against some good competition first, though.

  5. I don't really like him, Is it ok to call him Fake Carlito

  6. Ricky Ortiz is like Carlito without the **** accent, since he sounds very American when he speaks.

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