
What Do You Think Of These Pictures ??

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  1. advertising ur pictures is fun but its kinda annoying lol


    but i also like the pictures

    macro flower photography is so fun

  2. Blurry, mediocre, akward.

  3. I like 3 and 6. =]

  4. 1) bad composition and too blurry, try to picture flower from 1/3 or 1/2 of its size, if you can then change aperture about 3.5 to 5.2 or something

    2)still bad composition, change aperture to smaller number so that background is more blurrier and flower is more sharp. Lower leaves is getting out of the picture

    3)little bit overlighted, use bracketing and make hdr-s from these, if you want sky to background, or make this picture with longer shutter when there is less light and again try to use manual focus, so that flower itself is in focus

    4) same problem that in picture 2

    5)same problem that in picture 1

    6)Too underlighted and tree top is out of the picture try to use hdr or use longer shutter speed

  5. I love the last photo with the trees and the shed in the background! Are you a photographer? I love how they capture natural beauty...God's glory in a snapshot.

  6. they need editing, make them brighterrr, photoshoppppp

  7. nice.

  8. the composition is good but you need to tweak them a little with photoshop.. btw what kind of camera did you use?

  9. I see a brilliant career in photography in your future....

  10. uh well idk what the question really is!

    is it "do you like these pictures?" or "do you like these pictures?"

    but anyway, the last one is my fave it looks like you took them right?

  11. 1.Fuzzy



    4.Over Bright



  12. I'll give you some constructive critisism.

    1. Try using a higher revolution on your camera to give you a crisper, sharper image.

    2. Try having more of a background and foreground instead of just that. It can look awkward.

    3. This looks pretty good, just make sure its focusing on the entire picture and not just the top. It looks a bit pixilated in spots.

    4. Add a bit more life by adding a higher contrast and make it sharper by giving it a higher resolution.

    5. I know you were trying to go for getting a picture of the center of the flower, but its a bit off center and the amount of pedals are uneven which gives it an amateurish look. Theres not much you can do about that, though.

    6. Now this is good. The light of the sky and sun balences out the darkness of the foreground nicely. I like how the tree is the center of attention but the barn in the back balances out the picture to give it a lighter look. Good shadows and I like the saturated green of the grass.

    All you can do better is take more pictures, so keep clicking away!

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