
What Do You Think Of This Baby Name???

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My sister in law is due to have a baby in october and we paid for her to have a 3D ultrasound so that she could determine the s*x and we found out it is a girl, well she has decided to name the baby "Ivy Victoria Steele"

Now i love the name Victoria and the las name Steele she just can't help that but the name Ivy just makes me think of poison ivy and i would really hate for her to set this little girl up to be made fun of and my wife and i have explained this her in a nice way and all she says is "my daughter won't get made fun of cause she'll be popular" This is her first baby and we don't want to hurt her feelings but ivy is just not something you name a baby in my opinion.

What do you guys think?




  1. I like Ivy. It's a very pretty name. It doesn't make me think of poison ivy. And even if it did, what's wrong with that? It's not a bad nickname, really.

    It's not as bad as some of the other names that could have mean nicknames. My name is Abigail Josephine Hermann, sounds like a pretty normal name right? But Abigail has the word "big" right in it. I used to get called "Abby He-man" "Hairy-man" and "Biggie" all the time. People used to say "Biggie can't find Her-man" (I never had many boy friends" No matter what the kid's name is, people will make fun of her anyway. And what do you mean "these days?" do you honestly think that children are any more cruel than they were when you were a kid, or when your parents were kids?

    It is naive to assume that the kid will be popular, but you really don't know.

    I really think that Ivy is a very nice name, I can't think of any nasty nicknames that go with it, because poison Ivy is really not that bad. I'd really be more worried about the nasty things they could think up for Victoria. Victoria's Secret, Victor.

    If she want's to name her daughter Ivy Victoria, that's herbusiness. If the kid doesn't liek it she can go by Victoria. You've given your perspective, and now it's up to the parent to decide, it really isn't helpfull, to have someone who thinks they know better than you, looming over you telling you that you're doing things wrong.

  2. What about Ivory? That will solve the Ivy problem. I think Ivory Victoria has a nice ring to it. Or maybe Ivona, Imani, or Iona.  

  3. I think, as difficult as it may be, just leave her be.  Attempting to talk her out of it, doesn't sound as if it's doing any good.  You don't want to cause any problems with your sister, especially when you're about to have a niece!! Congrats, btw.  Chances are she isn't fond of all of you children's names, and it's difficult choosing a name. (you know that)

    Names come and go in popularity so much, just keep your fingers crossed that Ivy makes a comeback.  It could be worse, at least she's not naming her Apple or Eleven.  If the baby starts getting teased, they've always got Victoria(tori,vickie) to fall back on.  Just support your sister, and let it be.

  4. I agree with you, Ivy is not a name I would choose, it makes me think of an old lady!  Victoria is really nice though.

    Maybe it's her hormones and she'll see sense!

  5. One thing to think about, it's not your baby. You have had the chance to name your own children, so let her name hers. I personally don't see anything wrong with the name Ivy. When I was first reading this, I thought of the girl form The Village, she is a very pretty, and she reliant person. Someone that the new born can grow up to look up to.

    I also went to school with a girl named Ivy, and she loved her name, and took full advantage of having a very pretty and unique first name. She was the only one in our graduating class to have her name called, it was a very special moment in her life to know that her name would only be called once

  6. I think Ivy is an absolutely cute name!  I don't see kids making fun of that name!  Who cares anyway?  Kids are going to be cruel and will make fun of any name no matter what if that's what they want to do.  Furthermore, I don't see how it is your concern to address to your sister on what not to name HER baby.  I think it's rude.

    Did anyone who had their first baby know what true parenting was like?  She is new at this!  She will learn as the time comes!  Be patient and supportive rather than opinionated.

  7. Well its her kid you know. All you can do is give your opinion and move on. if she likes the name than let her use it. Ive know several Ivy's in my life and I don't really remember calling them Poison. But I know what you mean kids can be cruel. But  its 50/50 they may or may not make fun of her. Ivy Victoria Steel is a nice name. But don't pressure her to much to change the name, might cause friction in your relationship. Id rather have a niece named IVY than not have a sister-in-law. GOOD LUCK!!!

  8. No matter what the girl is named, she will be made fun of. Kids will always find a way to twist any name into something naughty or stupid. For example, 'Vicky With a Dicky.' I think you mean well, but the kid's name is going to be ridiculed. It can't be avoided. Perhaps you should instead focus on getting her to understand that being popular isn't important and that the kid may not be in that crowd.

  9. I personally like the name Ivy, as it was my grandmothers name.  I plan to use it if I ever have a daughter.  But, I can see your side of it too.  Regardless, you names your 4 children whatever you wanted didn't you?  If she loves the name, you are only going to cause problems if you butt in!

  10. Well for one its not your child. I think you should let her name the baby whatever she wants. That's your opinion and the child may not be picked on. You don't know that. If u have a problem with ivy call her victoria. People call children by middle names often. My nephews name is xavier valentino. Some call him val cuz they don't like xavier. I just think u should leave her alone and let her choose what name SHE likes best. Afterall she is the one having the baby. If she's set on that name there's not much you can do to change her mind. I didn't listen to people either. It doesn't matter if u or anyone else don't like. It only matters that she does.

  11. Ivy is a pretty name, but where you stand on the point of bullying is totally right. Victoria as a first name would be VERY pretty...and a middle name like Faith or Hope would flow well...Victoria Faith Steele...that sounds good. When I think of Ivy, it sounds more like a last name, or kind of "oriental" I guess. If the first name was Victoria, you would have the option of calling her Vicki also.

  12. suggestion:

    name for girls






    lana of superman :D



    iris instead of ivy :D






  13. I have a friend named Ivy and no one makes fun of her!:) but Victoria Ivy steele sounds nicer in my  oppionion , You could also say that Ivy has no nicknames but with vicotoria you could call her Vikki and stuff, or maybe you could ask if she names her Ivy Victoria she could use her second name like some people do , :)

    hope i could help!

  14. I personally don't care for the name Ivy....poison ivy is one thing i think of or something else...mmmm...Tell her that her daughter will never be able to buy monogrammed things....from the zoo like cute pencils or on vacations in florida because they won't have any that say IVY...that might help (as far as i know it's true) i don't care for it but she has a point...her baby her decision

  15. i honestly don't see how she'll get made fun of...POISON IVY?...that's not really something to be embarrassed about, unless she has a skin condition, i think ivy is a s**y name actually, and if she really wants it, stay out of her business, that's just my opinion though, good luck :)

  16. Victoria Ivonne Steele is better.  

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