
What Do You Think Of Welsh Accents??

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This Is What It Sounds Like

^^ sorry It Sounds Best When Spoken In Welsh






  1. I love Welsh accents! Actually, I like all accents form the UK!

  2. I love all accents. They are all great lol [   =

    x Arianna x

  3. yeah, they're reallly cool

  4. i have never heard somebody speak like that before, but it sounds cool!


  5. eh. Don't hate it don't like it.  

  6. wow..there's so much English in that broadcast...and that was the Plaid??

    You can tell which ones are form South

    Don't get much chance to speak Welsh here in Canada..I kinda miss it, I find myself talking to myself in Welsh..I have GREAT, tmi?


    ohh the accent, I think it's great the way you can play with words to make them flow and the rhythm..*sigh* yep great accent, and it's fun listening to it in English too...I think it sounds  a lot like the female Newcastle accents too, very soft.


  7. Annoying and horrid like Sian Lloyd !

  8. Malcom beth ti'n meddwl siwt gymaint o Saesneg? Does dim y geiriau sydd yno yw'r rhai a mabwysiadwyd gan yr iaith Gymraeg,

    A dwi o'r de beth sy'n bod yn hynni:?

    Braf clywed amryw o acennau Cymraeg

    It was fine hearing many Welsh accents.  

  9. I love the Welsh accent - it's not at all the reason I'm marrying into a Welsh family *looks innocent* no not at all lol.


  10. i love all accents

  11. it's's like Catherine Zeta Jones' accent

  12. I LOVE the welsh accent!!!

    My best friend is Welsh and although she lives half her life in London at boarding school she still hasn't lost her twang!

    I wanted to take the course at Cardiff university with her after high school but I can't because I have NO experience but if I did I'd be there!

    Literally - I love it so much (especially the language) I keep asking my friend to say random things to Welsh!

    I can say hello, good bye, good night and whats ur name in welsh - I'm so proud!


  13. Hahahahahaha

    ahhh man, i can't stop laughing... i haven't even watched the tape yet but whenever i think of welsh people talking i just hear it in my head.

    Cutest most utterly hillarious accent on the planet!!


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