
What Do You Think OfThe Twilight Cast?

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I Think edward is okay...

Alice doesn't look as i thought! i imagined her hair different and her smaller and more girly.

Laurent.... wellllll NOT as i thought

Jake needs to has more muscle :) haha




  1. Bella is okay, I just imagined her a bit more, you know, petite.

    Edward is nowhere NEAR the way I imagined him.

    Alice is okay, I guess... Not great, though.

    The rest of the Cullens pretty much fit the picture in my head.

    I think the woman chosen for Victoria is perfect. :D

    And James looks like he's in a motorcylcle gang. >-<

    Jacob is all right, not perfect though...

  2. I don't know who could have played Edward, i don't like the actors face or voice, but his hair is kind of how i thought Edwards would be.

    Bella is OK, i think they should have found someone that looks more like the author herself as that is somewhat how i imagine Bella.

    Alice doesn't look as pixie like as i thought she should be.

    i kind of pictured Laurent as Italian.

    And well Jacob doesn't look that much like a native American. my aunts husband is 100% Native american and he would have made a way better Jacob just b/c of that.

    jasper he is the only one i was mad about b/c he was my favorite and i thought Toby Hemingway should have played him.

    But I LOVE the Emmet they choose he is perfect

    Peter Facinelli isn't as Young looking as i thought he Carlisle should be, but he is an amazing actor in my books.

    esme looks old as well.

    and as for the rest i could care less. although i didn't see Eric as being asian...

  3. Bella's about right.

    Edward is WRONG!!!

    I agree with what you think about Alice

    Emmett is PERFECT!

    And Jacob is okay for this one but I think they are going to have trouble with him in future movies

  4. Bella is good

    Alice is perfect

    Edward......WELL I DON'T THINK SO!!!!!!so not what i imagined him

    Jacob is the the best in my opinion and u are right about the muscles lol

  5. I don't really object to much of the cast, other than the girl playing Bella. I've seen about three movies with her in them, and she doesn't seem able to play the bella I imagine. She's not the endearing clumsy type, she generally plays these annoying awkward antisocial characters, but not in a way I think of bella as. Like, I keep trying to imagine scenes from twilight with her as bella, but I just can't do it. She doesn't seem right.  And like sarah said, her voice is kinda not what I think of for bella, somewhat huskier than i like for that kind of character. But, maybe she'll rise up to the challenge of coming slightly out of her usual characters for Twilight.

    And another thing bothering me. How long will it take to do all the films? Cuz Edward can't change. If he does change in appearance due to aging or whatever, it ruins the whole idea of the movie. Hope the guy playing him is old enough that he won't have some final growth spurt or something.

  6. ummmm they aren't anything like i imagined them!

  7. Bella is pretty accurate but Edward is NOT right at all!!

    I didn't imagine Alice that way either.

    Also I don't like Esme.

  8. Kirsten stewart- plays the perfect bella. kisten looks exactly the way i pictured bella.

    Robert Pattinson- is a great actor and plays the role of Edward cullen very well

    Ashley greene- I always pictured alice a little shorter (elf like) and with shorter hair (pixie like). but i still think her acting abilities will really bring this charater to life on screen

    Jackson Rathbone- he is the PERFECT Jasper! he's really hot to!

    Kellan lutz(emmett), Nikki Reed(Rosalie), Peter Facinelli(Carisle), Elizabeth Reaser (Esme),Taylor Lautner(Jacob Black), Cam Gigandent(James),Rachelle Lefevre(Victoria)- All really meet up with my standards for the movie I really couldn't ask for a better cast i think they are all amazing actors and actresses. Twilight is going to be an amazing film. I really hope the movie turns out to be as good as the books.

    I agree with you on Laurent he doesn't look at all the way he is discribed in the book.

  9. I don't really care. I like the girl playing Bella (Kristen Stewart), and the guy playing Edward (Robert Pattinson), I think Alice is okay, I don't really think they pick a good Rosalie, I like Jasper, I think they should have picked Steven Strait his more muscular then that kid Taylor what's his face.

  10. Edward first I was thought that no way he does not look like Edward most people imasgined but he is growing on me.  

    Bella ...exactly what I imagined!  Very much like ...but Kristens Stewarts voice is a little... deep I was kind of imagineing it a little higher.  

    Alice ...A lot what I imagined, expesially her hair.

    Jake has to much of a cute face to look like a Jake.

    Most of the cast is a lot of what I imangined. I was really surprised.

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