
What Do You Think This Dream Meant?

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I knew that times were bad at the beginning of the dream. I was holding an African child, and crying. She was perfectly healthy, but I was upset by the way some people were treating her. That's all I know about that part. Later, it was dark outside, but there were orange streaks in the sky. I saw some older children. They were running up a dark hill with a ceiling above it, and laughing and telling people to come with them. So people followed, smiling. They would sign their names on a list, and then jump into a tunnel full of water. They would be tossed through the tunnel, and eventually end up in an ocean. They would lay there, eyes closed, dead. But after six hours, they'd wake up, cold, but very calm and content. I followed these people, and waited in line to sign the list. Just as I was about to sign it, the dream ended. I'm in eighth grade, I'm Christian, and I would really like to know what this dream meant.




  1. i'm just guessing, but from the way you said that they were getting other people to sign the list, it sounds like you might have been under pressure lately to do something.

    kind of like that saying, "if everyone else was jumping of a bridge, would you do it too?"

    maybe you've been in a situation lately that has made you feel pressured to do something you don't think you should....

    and when you say they died, but then came back to life, but cold, maybe it means that after you felt the pressured to do something, amybe you caved in and did it, and you felt regret(which would be like the death of the people) and then later, you just kind of forgot about it, but still had it in your mind somewhere(which would be them coming back to life, but cold)

    but maybe there are other possibilities.

    don't worry, i have really weird dreams too! lol

  2. I think it means that people will try to lead you down the wrong road that may look fun to you. Where you woke up was at the cross roads of your decision. (which way will you go?)

  3. wow. i think that was like, a message or something. uhhh... i have no idea. i have dreams like this about m,y family sometimes and I'm catholic and im in the 8th grade too. hmmm....weird.

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