
What Do You Think Will Destroy The Human Race?

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It is going to happen one day. Will it be global warming, a meteor? What do you think will kill out the human race? Do you think if we do all die out, we will come back again?




  1. human kill humans.i think we will come alive when jesus christ comes to this world in secong which all good and bad will come alive

  2. Time.

  3. it will be man-made what ever it will be that kills us off.

    When it does the world will be better for it, animals and plant life were better off before we came along and will be again when we are gone.

  4. it will probably be destroyed by wars over so called "religion",this is the cause of half the troubles in the world now.

  5. Man himself....

  6. I think humans

  7. the United Nations warned that except for Nuclear threat - the number # risk is human over population

    I beleive as well this is what will destroy us.. most threats come from that problem (except the meteor - unless you think God will send the meteor because he is disgusted with us)

  8. Greed

  9. People.  Whether we destroy our environment, blow ourselves up, or create a super virus that wipes everyone out, I really think that human ego / narcissism will destroy us all in the end.

  10. Puppies.

  11. The Human Race

  12. No one really knows! If it won't be kinda Meteor or something! People will destroy them selfs!

  13. A world wide shortage of Call of Duty 4 games, leading to increasing global frustration which will boil over into a mass battle leading to total destruction of the species.

  14. I will.  I have it all planned out.  I just sound the funds.

  15. i think computers

  16. I reckon well all freeze!I dont think it will be entirely the fault of humans though. There were a few ice ages throughout history and we're probably due another one Id say!I think humans will come back but will evolve differently. Probably like animals senses for hearing and smelling but can climb like monkeys and still walk on two legs!

  17. The global 'elite'

  18. Global warming, lack of food and water for all, population pressure, global warfare conducted robotically and the ozone layer going, leaving us to burn to death.

  19. Racist people.  People who only think about Race, Race, Race.  

    People are not races.  They are the human species.  Just because somebody's environment has made them look a certain way over evolution, doesn't mean that they are any different than any other human beings.

    Features and differences in how people look come from the conditions and environments that a person's ancestors had to survive through, in order to continue reproducing.

    Black skin or white skin is a good example of features that people had to retain in their genetics, in order to survive.

    People in Africa had to worry about absorbing too much sun, so their skin produced more melanin to absorb higher UV rays.  White people on the other hand, didn't have to worry about absorbing too much sun, because the places they were residing didn't have a lot of sun, so their skin stayed white.  

    The reason why people think that people's eyes look different is all an optical illusion.  The human skull over time, either caused the eye sockets to protrude more forward or to lay back in the skull.  That's all that a person is viewing when they look at somebody's eyes-protrusion of the eyeballs, less fat on the eyelids or retraction of the eyeballs, more fat on the eyelids.  The eyes are still shaped the same as everybody elses.

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