
What Do You Think of Hillary's Speech Today?

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Gotta love it.




  1. to be honest i missed it    Sorry I,ll catch it latera and let u know.   My grandbaby is in hospital i missed alot.   later thanks

  2. Well, to start with I can't stand Hillary, so anything she says just goes in one ear and out the other. Chances are whatever she said was written by someone else anyway so it doesn't even matter.

  3. I wasn't aware she gave a speech today.  Obama's was all over the place.  Guess there really is no such thing as bad publicity, just too little.  Ah well, perhaps she'll be VP.

  4. I think Billary has been bought by the central banks long ago. They are just calling in a favor if she is elected. She has no will of her own, no principled agenda. She will be a puppet if elected and she is so insignificant that I shouldn't have even replied to this moronic question. John McCain is no better and if Barack goes against them he will wind up like Kennedy, stiff. You have no choice unless you want to waste your vote on ron paul, my candidate. Don't send me anymore e-mails and if you do I will know you are a phony. I read all of mine.

  5. I'm not sure which speech you are talking about. See the link below for the historic speech in the news today.

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