
What Do You Think of Programmable Tracked Pod Cars?

by  |  earlier

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Little plastic ultra lightweight one or two passenger cars that run off of a GPS, avoids collisions, where you can sit back and read the paper all the way to your destination?




  1. that's basically a train, they have those already.

    Plus, lots of people enjoy driving, and it'd dangerous to be on the same roads as little ultralight plastic bubbles with, say drunk drivers in normal cars.

    Overall, too complicated. But cars these days do have lane marker-sensors, GPS, automatic-following-distance maintaing cruise control - it's not that far off.

  2. That sounds toooooo good. no fear of driving, less lives lost, no worry of drunk drivers, less stress, no road rage, no driving in circles looking for an address, catch up with work, the list is too long. i would soooo pay for one of those.

  3. I think that there will be quite a few accidents in tunnels.

  4. I think that is an amazing idea. i personally am open to innovation and change, something our current auto industry is not involved in. we have not seen any futuristic cars come to market yet. over the next 5-10 years we will see a variety of new companies and clean automotive companies capturing a large amount of business in america. I think that infrastructure improvement and an emphasis on clean forms of mass transit and responsible development in america will start to take hold as it is realized that the automobile and current american lifestyle is unsustainable. i do like your idea alot, i am not sure how realistic it is. but mass transit, trolley systems, monorails and hybrid hydrogen buses and mass transit will absolutely make a major difference in america into the future.

  5. This sounds like a great idea, but may need to hold more than two people. Maybe a lightweight family car? But yeah, there might be some problems in those long tunnels. Maybe some sort of a magnetic track...

  6. Seems really cool...just not for everyone.  We are a family of 6, so we would need an SUV version...unless we could connect 3 together. lol

  7. Good idea. Lets do it.

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