
What Do You think? Me?Total Beginner Poem. =]

by  |  earlier

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Yeah I made this Today Because I was Reading through my Bebo Mails and My Best Friend who was like a sister to me then like I just let her go. I Pity myself for going to this school that i desperatly hate. Soo here. Tell me what you think? I already Posted it on Bebo though.

You Said.

"I Promise I'll be there for you, nomatter whats gonna happen. In the future...or in the present cause I'm your friend Forever.."

I Say.

"Where Did You Go?"


Where'd You Go?

&&What Happened?

I Went With the Flow.

Letting Everything Fall Apart.

My Life Dripped Like Glue,

Into Your Cesspool of Nobodies.

Were You Ever Truly True?

I Acted Up, Leaving You Confused.

Super Glue Molded and Fell Through,

The Broken Glass While We Pushed Into,

Diffrent Di'rections, and People.

Your Promise, My Promise,

Broken and Shredded now We Repel.

I Don't Know...

I Think Were Gonna Stay Apart Just,

Where Did You Go?




  1. i really like it...

    its got a very unique feel to it and i like that.

  2. The poem is great, I read it and hear your confusion and emotions, wonderful.  As for your friend just keep your side of the promise and let them worry about theirs, sometimes life takes things out of peoples control and they can't keep their promises.

    Best Wishes

  3. I like it...

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